April 20, 2024

The head of Instagram allowed the integration of NFT into the social network

According to Adam Mosseri, in the near future, Instagram will begin to make special notes on posts in whichusers are offered to buy collectible non-fungible tokens.


Instagram CEO Adam MosseriAn interview with Business Line said the company is exploring the possibility of using non-fungible token technology (NFT) on the social network. According to Mosseri, in the near future, the social network will start making notes on publications that offer users to purchase collectible NFT tokens.

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“There’s nothing to announce yet, but we’re actively exploring NFTs and ways to make them more accessible to a wider audience,” said the head of Instagram.

Mosseri described the non-fungible token industry as an interesting area in which Instagram can help content creators.

Moccera also talked about new featuresInstagram, including about expanding the ability to add photos and videos to the user profile. This injection can be associated with the collection or NFT, which users can show in the image of the profile type, type

At the end of September, senior software engineerTwitter Mada Aflak announced social media support for NFT. According to Aflak, Twitter will allow users to connect a cryptocurrency wallet to their account and import non-fungible tokens to use as a profile picture.
