April 25, 2024

Crypto ban in Russia – the path to a decrease in GDP and brain drain (many IT crypto vacancies on hh.ru).

Russia has taken third place in the world in terms of Bitcoin mining volumes.
This is evidenced by the dataCambridge University, which was noticed by Reuters.
Russia's share in the global Bitcoin hashrate has reached 11.2%.
For comparison, in August 2020 it was 8.2%.

Mining is professional IT specialists and high power consumption, i.e. mining leads to GDP growth.

Mining farms need maintenance and monitoring to improve efficiency, these are opportunities for me IT pros.

Blockchain developers are highly valued. New projects and cryptocurrencies are created almost daily, so the demand for them will be high for a long time to come.

Exchange hacks, vulnerabilities in many blockchains require qualified IT security staff.

Cryptocurrency exchanges are a good business, i.e. also contributes to GDP growth.

For Russia, a crypto ban, if it happens, will lead to an outflow of professional specialists and a drop in GDP.
For Russia, as a country, it is more profitable to control crypto (as much as possible) and charge a tax.
Please note: neither the US nor Europe protects crypto.

Many vacancies in crypto for IT.
Printscreen from hh.ru (there are hundreds of vacancies, they won’t all fit on the printscreen(:

The ban on crypto in Russia is a way to reduce GDP and brain drain (many IT crypto vacancies on hh.ru).

I think the majority of Duma deputies do not understand crypto: they have long wanted to ban what they do not understand:

The ban on crypto in Russia is a way to reduce GDP and brain drain (many IT crypto vacancies on hh.ru).

I am expressing my personal opinion.
You can discuss here or in the chat t.me/OlegTradingChat (more than 860 participants).
