Forex flag the height of the rod works out from the top of the flag at the end.maximum.
Why is it necessarybuy a dollar. from 63 kopecks per dollar to 8000 or 100 ~ times higher.
It didn't reach the top of the flag.
bitcoin maximum between 200 million and 1-2 billion from the top or bottom of the stock.
80M variant .
So far, 1-3 million.
such an outcome is likely.
the ruble is like that.
Bitcoin breakdown flag to gold.
The price of bitcoin is about 60 million, in terms of if gold grows 6 times 10 million.
about 80 million with flags above the charts, so gold cangrow to 2000 by then.
Then all the charts will be formed according to Fibonacci: 0.618, 0.382, 0.236.