An interesting twist in the case of the Russian crypto exchange BTC-e (WEX). The exchange's customer base is distributed on the Internet,and among them is Pavel Durov. According to these data, which look more than reliable, he lost more than 2,000 BTC.
Durov lost money on WEX
The database contains information abouthow many bitcoins were in the user’s account, as well as his email address to which the account was registered. After studying the database, you may discover something interesting — account on the official mail of Pavel Durov, which contained as much as 2,070 BTC.
The authenticity of the postal address is not in question.If we look at the contact details of Telegram Messenger LLP, we see the same address: [email protected]. It turns out that Pavel Durov lost almost $18 million at the current rate after the stock exchange closed.
</p>Which of all this can be concluded?
It is obvious that Pavel Durov showed highinterest in cryptocurrencies many years ago, long before the hype of 2017. Although it is impossible to establish the exact time of his purchase of bitcoins, all these events took place long before the first rumors about the launch of the Telegram cryptocurrency appeared.
It is noteworthy that Durov himself never publiclyrecognized both the fact of ownership of such a large sum in BTC and the participation in the scandal with BTC-e. Perhaps he does not believe in returning funds to investors, despite such promises from management.
Let us remind you that the BTC-e exchange was closed in 2017 inas a result of the seizure of servers by the FBI. Later, a new exchange was created on the basis of the platform — WEX, but it was also closed at the end of 2018. American authorities suspect the exchange of laundering $4 billion, and Russian Alexander Vinnik is considered the head of BTC-e. At the moment, he has been in a Greek prison for more than two years; the country’s authorities are deciding on the issue of extradition to Russia, the USA and France.
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