April 25, 2024

Developers found vulnerabilities in the e-voice system

The Russian Election Commission stated that the mobile voting platform on the blockchain, which was used forIn two-bedroom, cea xopos. One of the extrasI'm going to have to do it.

Kac squeaksKommepcant, minip cyfpoo pazvitia, communication and matccovyamys MaksutShe said that during the day of the pabovta of the plotphma there was no good news.There was a link with the former bpd.

A pre-installed voice system withBy using the technology of the blockchain, it was planned to use it even in March of this year, and then in the summer, during the boiling period, to start the production Finally, it was used in the course of a public hunger in Moscow, as well as on two test sites - in the city and in the Lower.

The government announced that they intend togolocovanie c pomoschyu texnologii blokcheyn nA vceobschix paplamentckix vybopax in cleduyuschem godu, for chego zadeyctvuyut platfopmu, pazpabotannuyu ppovaydepom tsifpovyx u.chlug and cepvicov Poctelekom, kontpolny paket ACTIONS kotopogo ppinadlezhit gocudapctvu.

A number of Russian developers have scaled up the platform, stating that this is not a decentralized blockchain network, since it was posted on the website.

The operator has placed the source code in the repositoryGitHub, thanks to which developers were able to identify vulnerabilities in the safety of storing data, which make it relatively easy to expand the personality, to choose the age of

Head of the Department of Software Development of the FunCorp Company Sergei Aksyonov corrected the shortcomings of the predecessor:

«The voting process itself takes place onPostelecom server. Thus, nothing prevents you from adding a few votes, and then rewriting the entire chain of blocks and getting the desired result. The encryption, electronic signature and data storage mechanisms used will in no way interfere with this...»

It turns out that we are dealing with a closed block,where the controlling party can change the data, and this cannot be noticed by the other participants. In addition, individual developers confirm that the voice blocking system is based on the established safety standard.
