February 8, 2025

OFTOP | EXXA– crypto wallet that pays

EXXA Wallet is an analogue of Cloud Token!
Already inAppstoreAndGoogle play !!!

EXXA.The official opening was September 28th in Singapore.

Google play: play.google.com/store/apps/d…d=com.inx.exxa

Registration code:92741442

Write in a personal, add to the chat


one). The very beginning (token price at the very start)
2). International Development
3). The wallet is already inApp store
4). Public Admins, Singapore Office

EXXAis a project from the series of the general trend of "Crypto wallets", by sending cryptocurrency to which you can get "passive income", you need to treat such topics with a cool head and remember about the risks (everything is a pyramid and sooner or later everything will end).In my opinion, based on marketing based on the starting price of the token.

This topic is now more interesting and located inthe beginning of its journey, unlike analogues, where the value of coins has grown significantly. Personally, I saw an international movement here, and the turnover of tens of millions of dollars is not from the CIS (this is a positive moment for the successful work of the project)

For example:The first theme of this kind Plus Token lasted a year and a half and the price of the token increased from $0.4 to $300 (real X's)


I advise you to delve into, so as not to blame yourself for the missed opportunity!

P.S.The project should be treated as a high-risk earning opportunity.

P.S.(1) These kinds of projects work on human greed (don't forget to withdraw your earnings)

P.S.(2) Referral code – 92741442

(instruction below)


EXXAis a Singapore-based multi-currency crypto wallet in the form of a mobile application that we put on a smartphone.You can just store your crypto on it, but you can do something much more interesting!With just a few clicks, you can send your Bitcoins, Ethers, USDT, or other coins to trust.By doing this simple action, you begin to receive a daily profit of 3-19% per month (if the depositup to $300 — 3%-9%, if the deposit is more than $300 — 6%-19%)!But that's not all!EXXA,the price of which is constantly rising!

In a similar project, Plus token, which worked for a year and a half, the price of the token increased from $0.4 to $300.Initial Plus Token investors have increased their capital by more than 600 times!Of course, Plus Token is already a missed opportunity, but in the form of a second chance for it there isEXXAwhere the project has not yet started and the price of the token at the very start!

The potential is huge!

As proof of the legend, there are trading reports that can be seen inside the application, and in more detail for our Digital Nation team we will broadcast everything from Singapore, that is, from the forefront!

Project management


Danny C. Pangis the CEO of AXXA Global with over 26 years of experience in the industry.He is widely known for his leadership in sales and building successful teams of teams

He runs a global network of 22 countries and over 300,000 partners.

Danny’s network marketing career began in the United States twenty-four years ago, and has now become a global network spanning half the planet.

Danny is also a co-founder of Rain Inernational (since 2010)

Frankie LeeCEO & Chairman of BNF Group

Frankie Leemanaged to assemble a highly qualified team in BNF Group and managed to expand it to 350 employees who are highly motivated and focused.

BNF Group today is a combination of diverse businesses.

Gregory angThe founder of GangTV, Greg was instrumental in planning business operations, marketing initiatives, and shipping and distributing products throughout the region.Due to his natural and innovative style, he released as Asia's first professional in the field of HD channels in 2006.

Since then, he has become an integral part inmarketing channels such as Discovery Channel, ESPN, Hallmark Channel, The Food Network HD, Sundance Channel, WE TV, KMTV, AMC Networks International, Fashion One TV, Fashion 4K and Videofashion News 4K, delivering content to millions of people in the Asia-Pacific region.


Conditions for investors

Deposit currency: BTC, ETH, USDT, LTC

Minimum Deposit:$50, but at least $300 to activate the affiliate program!

The deposit is unlimited! The contribution body can be withdrawn at any time!

(If you withdraw the body before 30 days, the commission is 10%, if later - 1%)

Floating yield3-19% per month!Regardless of the amount of the deposit! Profits are accrued on a daily basis.

Profits are paid in tokensEXXA.You can exchange them for Ether inside the wallet and withdraw them.If you have invested Ethers, it means that you get a profit on Ether!

Do not forget that in addition to daily interest accruals, the price of the tokenEXXAis also growing! Therefore, you can make a lot more profit!

affiliate program

1st line:100% of daily profits!

2nd line:50% of the profit!

Each personal partner you bring with you opens a new depth. If for example you brought 7 people, you have 7 levels open! T.O. You can open 10 lines!

3rd to 10th line:5% of profit

If you have a total team turnover of $200,000 and you have 16 1st line partners, you get a rank (X1), and start earning10% of profitpartners from the 3rd line to infinity.

If you have 3 people with rank (X1) in 3 different branches, you get rank (X2) and start getting15% of profitpartners from the 3rd line to infinity.

If you have 3 people with rank (X2) in 3 different branches, you get rank (X3) and start getting20% of profitpartners from the 3rd line to infinity.

If you have 3 people with rank (X3) in 3 different branches, you get rank (X4) and start getting25% of profitpartners from the 3rd line to infinity.

If you have 3 people with rank (X4) in 3 different branches, you get rank (X5) and start getting30% of profitpartners from the 3rd line to infinity.

Note:If your partner catches up with you in rank, you stop receiving fromUnlike its analogues, there is an additional percentage.And that's a very good thing!

Why invest in EXXA right now?

A trending idea of a cryptocurrency wallet with a remote control function.A similar project, Plus Token, has made many millionaires.EXXAI took into account all the mistakes of my elder brother and made a much better product!

Simplicity! Unlike analogs, registration takes 5 seconds here, it is also not necessary how to enter SMS in analogs, which many do not receive!

There are trading reports, as well as evidence of working trading software. The counterparts did not have any reports and evidence.

Open Guide! There is a direct connection with the admins.

International movement!Leaders from the USA, Malaysia and Germany are already in the know!

Still just the start! The first earn the most!

Everything in the world is just starting! The market is free!

The affiliate program is not as aggressive as in the counterparts, and there is also compression! This greatly extends the life span!


How to become an EXXA investor

Download the application from the link - exxa.net/
Or directly from app stores

APPLE Store: apps.apple.com/us/app/exxa-network/id92741442

Google Play Market (Android): play.google.com/store/apps/d…d=com.inx.exxa


1. Run the application, click "Create account", come up with Nickname and enter the referral code - 92741442

2.Come up with a password to log in, re-enter it for verification and press NEXT, then the payment PIN.and press NEXT as well, then re-enter the newly invented pin code and press NEXT again

3. In the next window, the system will generate 12 words for you, this is a mnemonic phrase and your access to the wallet.MANDATORYSave this mnemonic phrase, it will be needed to restore your wallet in case of force majeure (if you lose passwords and so on)!After that, click the "Continue" button

4.Confirm that you have written down the mnemonic phrase, arrange the words in the order in which they were presented in the previous window, and if you specify the order correctly, you can click on the "Continue" button

5. On the screen you will see your username - “Account Number”

Your password is “Account Password”

Your PIN code is “Transaction Password”


Your personal referral code for team invitations is “Refferal Code”

Click on the eye-shaped icons to display information and be sure to save everything! (Record or take a screenshot) This is very important!

6.After saving everything, click on the "Sign In" button and click on the "yes" button in the pop-up window

7. You will be transferred to the application login page (If not, just open it and click on the “Sign In” button)

And in the Account Number field, enter your account number, and in the "Password" field, enter your password that you specified during registration, then click on the "Sign In" button

8. At the top at the top, click on the “VAULT” button and then in the upper right corner click on the “Recieve” button, then select a deposit coin and click on the “Create Wallet” button. Best of all, use Ether, but you can use others, then put a daw and click Confirm button and then go back


9.Again, in the upper right corner, click on the "Recieve" button and select the cryptocurrency whose wallet you just created, and below you will see the wallet address to send cryptocurrency, and in order to top up your balance inEXXASend coins to it, then click the back arrow in the upper left corner and wait for the coins to be creditedto the balance (It can take from 1 minute to an hour, depending on thecryptocurrencies and the amount of fees you sent)

10. When the balance is reflected, return to the main one and click on the Project / DEVO + / Participate / button at the top and press the green ADD button opposite the cryptocurrency of which you replenished the balance, then click on the “MAX” button and ADD button, after which we agree by ticking and click on confirm button, then enter your six-digit pin code that was created during registration and click on the daw, then “Go Back”. Within an hour, your cryptocurrency will go to work and trading will be launched.

You can verify this again later by opening the main one, and the amount that will be in the work of the DEVO + robot will be displayed in the Project Pool in USDT column


That's it, now your contribution works!Every day you will receive a profit, which will fall on the balance in tokensEXXA.

After registration, write to me in PM, I will add you to the chat!