April 19, 2024

Nayib Bukele: Bitcoin contributed to the growth of the tourism sector in El Salvador

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Nayib Bukele: Bitcoin contributed to the growth of the tourism sector in El Salvador

World Tourism Organizationincluded El Salvador and several other countries on its list. According to the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, it was Bitcoin that contributed to the significant growth of the tourism sector.

Nayib Bukele emphasized thatOnly a few countries have managed to return tourism levels to pre-pandemic levels. The adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender, as well as the creation of the "Bitcoin Beach" attracted tourists from all over the world to El Salvador. The President also noted the growth of domestic tourism due to a decrease in crime.

Formerly Minister of Tourism Salvador MorenaValdez (Morena Valdez) said that thanks to Bitcoin, tourism in the country increased by 30%. At the same time, cryptocurrency enthusiasts stay in El Salvador longer and spend more money. If previously daily tourist expenses in the country ranged from $113 to $150, now they exceed $200.

Nayib Bukele also presented statisticsmobility from search giant Google. El Salvador is marked on the map as a country with "above expected" tourism activity. According to Bukele, although the introduction of Bitcoin into the country's financial system was not without difficulties, new technologies will continue to exist and develop.

Earlier, Bukele expressed the opinion that despite the fall in the cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin has excellent prospects. Investors just need to wait out the bad period.