58% of Russian residents would like to receive Bitcoin for the New Year, and the remaining 42% named cryptocurrencyunwanted gift. This is evidenced by a survey conducted by the portal Hi-Tech Mail.Ru.
The study determined the anti-rating of gifts,which the Russians would not want to see under the tree. 57% of respondents included souvenir symbols of the year, 52% - soft toys. 49% think that scales are inappropriate, and 48% think of soap and calendars.
Bitcoin was not nice to Russians more than sets of cosmetics (40%) or a towel (38%).
Among electronics, respondents would prefer to get a camera (73%) and a robot vacuum cleaner (72%), but an electric razor is more likely to upset 48% of them.
The main characteristic of the gift prudent Russians called its usefulness - 70%. At the same time, approximately the same part of the respondents suffer from useless gifts every year - 71%.
The survey was conducted from December 13 to December 18 among 5.2 thousand Russian users of the Hi-Tech Mail.ru project.
Recall that at the end of 2017, every fifth Russian dreamed of receiving bitcoin as a New Year's gift.