April 24, 2024

Microsoft found out if Xbox buyers are ready to pay with bitcoins

Likewise, the tech giant Microsoft understands the possibility of inserting bitcoin payments when selling an Xbox game console online.

According to a Reddit message from March 21 on r / XboxSeriesX, Microsoft conducted a survey in which it asked an Xbox user about preferred payment rates.

It is interesting that bitcoin was indicated as one of the possible payment methods. A scan of the questionnaire appeared at once in several subdits, including r / ethtrader and r / Bitcoin.

One Xbox user said that the question is available to those who will "take part in the Xbox pre-evaluation program for beta testing OC updates."

Microsoft started accepting bitcoin back in 2014year, allowing US users to purchase Windows content, including Xbox games. After a short pause of this payment method in January, Microsoft has resubmitted bitcoin payments in its MS Store. However, payments are not supported in the Xbox online store at this time.

Hecмoтpя нa пoявлeниe этoй oпции, в Microsoft нe плaниpуют нacтoлькo пoгpужaтьcя в кpиптoвaлюту, кaк, нaпpимep, Tesla. Пpeзидeнт Бpэд Cмит cкaзaл, чтo у фиpмы нeт плaнoв пo пpиoбpeтeнию кpиптoвaлюты.
