February 16, 2025

Microsoft, Commerzbank, China Mobile and other blockchain testing companies

Blockchain technology remains one of the hottest trends among financial, government andcommercial organizations all over the world. ForkLog magazine provides an overview of the most interesting initiatives of the past week.

Microsoft introduced the Azure Blockchain Data Manager tool

Microsoft Corporation introduced a new tool- Azure Blockchain Data Manager, which uses on-chain data to communicate with other applications, including those using the Internet of things technology and artificial intelligence (AI). It is reported by CoinDesk.

“From industry to energy, the public sector, and retail — AI delivers the digital transformation of any business vertical.”, Said Mark Mercury, Blockchain Design Manager for Microsoft Azure.

In particular, Mercury is convinced that a distributed registry can check the data before the AI ​​analyzes it. Blockchain is also effective in supply chains.

The Icertis cloud-based contract management platform has successfully tested the Blockchain Data Manager and developed various options for using the new solution.

PJSC Rosseti and JSC Gazprombank tested the Edison blockchain platform for the energy and utilities market

Where: Russian Federation, Kaliningrad region
In which area: energy, housing and utilities
Goal: To increase the transparency of settlements, as well as the relationship between companies and consumers.
Who is involved: PJSC Rosseti, JSC Gazprombank, investment company Digital Horizon.
Technology used: unknown
Estimated date of implementation:To date, Digital Horizon has completed a pilot project to implement the Edison blockchain platform at the Yantarenergo site (a subsidiary of Rosseti PJSC) in the Kaliningrad region.
Source: press release

Commerzbank, Credit Suisse and UBS conducted operations with securities on the blockchain platform from Deutsche Börse

Where: Germany
In what area: securities lending
Goal: increasing the speed, transparency and reliability of transactions in the securities market; reduction of paperwork and elimination of intermediaries
Who is involved: banks Commerzbank, Credit Suisse, UBS and the Deutsche Börse exchange
Technology used: Corda by R3
Estimated date of implementation: the first operations have already been carried out, but the date of the full-scale launch of the platform is still unknown
Source: press release

KT Corporation and China Mobile introduce telecommunications blockchain

Where: South Korea, China
In which area: mobile communications
Goal: saving resources when calculating roaming fees for users.
Who does it: South Korean telecom giant KT Corporation and the world's largest mobile operator China Mobile
Technology used: B.Link blockchain system
Estimated implementation date: end of December 2019
Source: The Korea Herald

WWF and Philippine Union Bank to set up a system to track fish supplies

Where: Philippines
In what area: supply chain
Goal: improving the quality of seafood and the level of wages for fishermen (payments are provided in the system), combating illegal fishing.
Who is involved: World Wildlife Fund, Union Bank
Technology used: Tracey solution on the Streamr blockchain
Estimated implementation date: mid-2020
Source: Ledger Insights

This week we also reported:

  • Norilsk Nickel has begun testing the blockchain network for transactions with tokens secured by palladium.
  • Microsoft has launched a program according to which the most active developers of the Azure cloud platform will be awarded with Azure Heroes tokenized badgers.
  • RUSNANO will receive 20 billion rubles to create an investment fund for blockchain projects
  • OpenMarket Ukrainian blockchain auction held over 23 thousand trades for 6.2 billion hryvnias.
  • Electricity blockchain projects raised more than $ 597 million.