April 25, 2024

Market news | Binance Joins the Digital Currency Expert Council of the Russian Banking Association — Kommersant

The Presidium of the Council of the Association of Banks of Russia (ADB) decided to create an expert center on digital financialassets and digital currencies.

It was headed by GR Director of Binance in Russia and the CIS Olga Goncharova.

The very same crypto platform through BN KZ Technologies Limited joined the association, a source told Kommersant about this and confirmed it in Binance.

The purpose of the expert center is “preparationprofessional judgments on the circulation of digital financial assets and digital currencies, providing the working bodies of the ADB and its representatives with expert and analytical materials on this topic, generalization and dissemination of international experience”

Binance Joins the ADB Digital Currency Expert Council - News - Finance - Kommersant (kommersant.ru)