April 24, 2024

"Kaspersky Lab" warned of a fraudulent scheme with the "state cryptocurrency"

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"Kaspersky Lab" warned about a fraudulent scheme with “state cryptocurrency”

Kaspersky Lab experts report a phishing email that invites potential victims to invest in some kind of centralized government digital currency.

Letters from unknown scammers say:that Russia is preparing to introduce a “state cryptocurrency” and now is the best time to make money on it. Recipients are encouraged to follow a link to the investment program website.

On the website, potential investors are offeredinvest money in another new project to earn much more in the future. In reality, all the deposits made by the victim are taken by the criminals.

“Laboratory experts discoveredfraudulent mailing allegedly on behalf of the regulator about the launch of the Russian state cryptocurrency. With such messages, attackers lure users to resources where they risk losing money. At the end of February, company specialists recorded several thousand such letters,” say company officials.

To avoid becoming a potential victimattackers, Kaspersky Lab experts recommend that you be critical of the content of suspicious emails, do not follow links to dubious resources, and do not enter confidential data on unknown sites.

At the end of last year, “LaboratoryKaspersky reported that the North Korean hacker group Lazarus has a division called BlueNoroff, posing as venture capitalists who are interested in cryptocurrency startups.