April 20, 2024

How not to lose all your money in the first month? Rules for successful investment

The world of investing is complex. After attending a couple of seminars and reading thematic articles, I tried to trade myself, and,as a rule, without understanding anything about it, he lost his money.
Investments are great opportunities for earning money.

1. Guarantees from an investment company.
Quite an effective competitive advantage for the company. It goes well with personal development. The company, risking its reputation, will give you a guarantee of earnings.
I entered into a loan agreement with the fund 2 years agoWell-being. This gave me my own safety net. I know that the amount will be returned to me. There is a payment schedule and receipt. I would like to note that during the entire period of work there was not a single delay in payments.
2. The company’s clean activities and its reputation on the Internet.
On the Internet you can clearly seediscussion of the company and its assessment from real people. One-day companies will not interest people in long-term cooperation. For sure, nothing will be written about them.
3.  Unique Selling Proposition.
Always look at the company's portfolio and offering. For example, mine is like this:

• Mid-term Bitcoin trading (30%)

• Bitcoin margin trading (50%)

• Purchase of promising Crypto-coins (10%)

• Insurance deposit (10%)
Some can help you purchase cryptocurrency. Also, a big plus is that there is no entry fee, like my fund.

I discovered investments for myself - already quitefor a long time. At the age of 20, I began to study this niche with friends. We were still very young back then and didn’t understand anything. I remember losing my first money and being very upset. I walked this path long and hard, so I advise you to work too. After watching some courses and reading a couple of books, you won’t gain much experience. Remember that simply and cheaply today you can only lose your money.