February 16, 2025

“In hockey – God, in life – sucker”. Business, ICO and “true friends” Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. – Part 1/7

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The material was jointly prepared by the hockey department of the Sports.ru editorial team and the Cryptokritika project.

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Warning.This is a really long long read, andunderstanding of which, despite our notes and clarification of nuances, can take you a very long time. Therefore, for those who want to immediately jump to the conclusions, we give a short spoiler.

Evgeni Malkin and his hockey friends, business partners of the Mark.Space project, could potentially become objects of administrative and criminal cases. Moreover, both within the Russian Federation and in other countries. This is especially true for Eugene Malkin - the holder of a US work visa, a residence permit in the United States, as well as being a US tax resident.

Will he repeat the path of the famous ex-NHL catcher SergeiBerezin, who in 2015 found himself in the dock with his wife in a case of insurance fraud? Or will he repeat the path of Igor Musatov, who ended up in jail for cryptocurrency fraud? The question is, of course, an interesting one; we don’t undertake to predict. In any case, Mark.Space investors should have enough questions for Evgeniy and his business partners to move the process onto the legal plane.



From a dialogue with one of the investment bankers:

“They are doing everything to make prisons become educational institutions.”

— Now I know how to sell education to athletes and actors. "ACCESS TO GET EDUCATION BEFORE PRISON AND POVERTY". And hang banners in front of sports palaces and theaters.




Chapter 1. What do athletes want?


Almost every Russian hockey player after his careerwants to become either a trainer-agent-general manager or a businessman. And also an investor with a capital “I” - in order to continue to be able to lead an “Instagram life.” Luxury goods, conspicuous consumption, vacations, travel and all that. Picture from the course "Game Intelligence" as confirmation.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 1/7

In the first case, to stay in hockey,because outside hockey it’s scary and incomprehensible. After all, you have to learn something completely new. And for real - and not like in the same RSUFK. We have seen how the athletes' defenses look at diplomas - and this in most cases causes a feeling of burning shame and shame. No, of course, on instagrams, boys and girls from different teams will tell you how hard it was to deal with the granite of science, how they coped with morally strong-willed and crazy tension of intelligence ... But, in fact, in most cases this is hypocrisy and lies. Watching and listening to their attempts to think, speak and write without blood from the eyes and ears will be extremely difficult for you.

If it were not for per capita funding for Russian education, most Russian "sports heroes" would have only a school certificate.And that's in advance.Although this is more a problem of the system than of the athletes. They have to make a choice: either get a normal higher education, develop critical thinking, the ability to search for information and think independently... Or go professional and “think only about hockey.” To then discover that you can’t do anything in this life except hockey.

Now about the second case - about business.A typical athlete is so eager to open his own business because it is prestigious. The status of “businessman” still means something in our country, although it lags behind the status of “I am a deputy” and “I am from the FSB.” But still, this is some kind of prestige - if not in the eyes of the public, then in the eyes of one’s own. And among hockey friends. Not only does it have status, but in business you can also earn money. Although as a manager in a club this is also possible. For example, you can actively “saw” contracts and break records for kickbacks, as one hockey legend did. Or write out million-dollar bonuses for yourself - as the other one did. And this is important - because money has a bad tendency to run out quickly at the end of your professional career.

At the same time, you can run a business without straining too much -as “Business Youth” says and as the mass of Russian businessmen sincerely believes. He rented an office, opened a bank account, hired slaves, gave them wages - then let them bring me the money themselves! And not just after the payback period (which still needs to be calculated), but immediately! What a beauty! Moreover, athletes sincerely believe that it is possible to run a business without interrupting their main career. He pinned the whole headache on his partner, and there’s no need to think about it at all. You contributed the starting capital (and then contributed more and more), and continue playing in peace. Just wonderful!

As a result, it ends either with PR insteadbusiness with money from investors or the state... Or collapse and debt. To which can easily be added motivational conversations in the forest belt or in the offices of lawyers.

Let's see who is among the "successful ones"businessmen." Kerzhakov, Anyukov, Bystrov, Kerzhakov, Malafeev - Zenit generally lay down in a crowd. But there will also be plenty of examples in hockey - Danis Zaripov and Igor Larionov are unlikely to want to talk about the profitability of their business endeavors. The appearance of “Professor” in the FHR generally hints that he sees the main money not in the agency or wine business. Maxim Sushinsky is proud of his St. Petersburg Mercedes dealer - but how can I tell you... A Russian car dealer is generally a very specific story. Often paired with such terms as “state order” (the story of “Rolf” is exactly about him), “laundering” and “cash out”; - since the 90s of the last century. Which would be interesting to ask Maxim about. And at the same time about where he got the funds to build the largest car dealerships in St. Petersburg (one, two) in a rapidly declining market. And isn’t Sushinsky a frontman or, simply put, a “gnome figurehead” in the interests of completely different characters - despite his employment in business (see the list of legal entities where he is a director or founder) and employment in the Avangard HC? However, according to information from various sources, he has already left the auto business - despite the fact that, according to SPARK, he is still in the shares of the LLCs on which car dealerships “hang”. Again, continuous questions... To which Maxim Yuryevich, of course, will not answer.

Total:The Russian athlete loves the “I have a business” status, but extremely does not like to disclose its indicators and structure. And hardly the answer to the margin question. Suddenly the image will deteriorate and the public will have questions.

Reasonable exceptions in Russian business are quiteare rare - and that is why the Russian economy is gradually falling to the bottom. Putin, the siloviki, damned America and others, of course, also had a hand in the process - but much more damage is caused by the mentality of the majority of domestic businessmen. When there is a desire to earn money and the belief that the money will always come on its own and almost without effort - but there is no desire to systematically, methodically and intensively think and work hard.

Hence the massive failures in foreign marketsor just a fear of going out there. Because you need to think a lot and quickly, you need to adapt, rebuild and endure. However, you can always whine, complain and then rush back to your homeland with stories about rotting Europe and the hypocritical America.

In this, our Russian business is one-on-one similar toRussian hockey players. Everyone has a dream to play there and become a superstar; units have a desire and ability to think, dig in and adapt to new realities.What can we say if the same Malkin and Panarin are stillhave not learned English at the proper level, but each of them is probably counting on advertising contracts. As part of the execution of which you will have to speak fluent English.

Finally, in the third case of hockey players, football playersand others are attracted by the desire to invest what they have accumulated and live on interest. The classic is to “bury” money in real estate, like the majority of Russian citizens, in the hope of eternal growth out of nowhere and for some unknown reason in a long-declining market. Or give the money to third-party guys to manage, without really understanding who these people are, what they can do, what experience they have, whether they have a track record, statements, client reviews and references, what they earn from and how, what their motivation is - and, having crossed himself, believe in the best. And then whatever happens. Or you can live quietly on a conservative 7-8% per annum in dollars from stocks and the stock market - according to the behests of Dan Milstein and Artemy Panarin. Or you save and put the savings in a reliable bank at interest - according to Sean Avery's new rule. Or you become a beggar like Jack Johnson, Sergei Fedorov or the Spartak hockey players. And then you have to serve and serve chairs.

Actually, that's whyIt is IMPORTANT to go through “Game Intelligence” and get a NORMAL education BEFORE investing money in something incomprehensible and unknown to you. Then it was not enough to sob with burning tears, mourning the time and capital lowered into the toilet.

And now, after a long introduction, it's time to move onto the main character of this story. Which I had to actively learn the value of education, risk management and financial literacy in the process. And he continues to learn to this day. Evgeniy Vladimirovich Malkin. Hockey player, individual entrepreneur, TIN 744609708994. Still a businessman.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 1/7

Source: www.ok-magazine.ru/stars/interview/6143-evgeniy-malkin#section4


Chapter 2. "Not very successful."

There is a feeling that every second Russianan athlete, actor or simply celebrity longs to open a restaurant or bar. Firstly, stylish, fashionable, youth. Secondly, it is a “beautiful” and “sincere” business (as it once had its own car dealership), and not some plastic factory. Thirdly, now you do not need to invite distinguished guests to your home or to a place where the service and atmosphere may not be the same, or there may not be free tables. In general, the sheer beauty and atmosphere of an eternal holiday.

What's funny is that many people still believe this, althoughA million articles and books have already been published about how the restaurant business is a dog’s job with the highest chances of not only not making money, but also ending up deeply in debt. Dmitry Kombarov, for example, SUDDENLY made the discovery that running a restaurant is a constant headache:

- A familiar hockey player went into the restaurant business. Set hidden cameras - and was amazed at the scale of theft. They stole everything!

- I can confirm - in this sense, the most difficult business. They try to steal something from every tomato, from every carrot. Write off. I’m not talking about dishes and equipment. In 99 restaurants out of a hundred steal!

However, in 2006, the year of books and websitesthere was noticeably less information about how to open and manage a restaurant, and athletes spent even less time on education and self-training. Programs "Game Intelligence" there was no sign of it, there were 2 years left before the creation of the KHL. Therefore, Evgeniy Malkin, who was then 20 years old, decides to open a “VIP-zone” restaurant in Magnitogorsk (Chelyabinsk region, 400 thousand inhabitants), the concept of which is chosen to be a prison theme. "The honorary red flag indicates the Magnitogorsk colony YaV 48/18. The residents of this institution were directly involved in the design of the restaurant.".

The rationale for the concept sounded like this: "We just sat with friends, talking,for some reason, they began to discuss the restaurant business. The idea sprouted, went further, began to think about different options, and I liked this one. The interior was a bit ridiculous: the pictures from the movie “Gentlemen of Fortune” on the walls. And so - nothing special."

It is clear that in Magnitogorsk, especially then,it was difficult with normal catering, but at the age of 20, being “one foot on an airplane”, to fly to Pittsburgh away from Velichkin and Rashnikov, pressuring you and demanding to sign a new contract ... Far-sighted, nothing to be said.

Nevertheless, we are interested in who those samefriends with whom the idea of ​​becoming restaurateurs was born. This is Alexey Evgenievich Grigurko, who will later become Evgeniy Malkin’s business partner in the Malkinteam project. Nowadays he is better known as the co-owner and manager of the restaurant chain "Fed Moose" and a bit as an actor from the movie "Selfie." And then he was known as the art director of the Jaga-Jaga nightclub, where the entire Metallurg hockey club grazed in the evenings and at night. The owner of this establishment, Andrei Aleksandrovich Zaitsev, was also the “hot sidekick” of the center forward of the Russian national hockey team and at the same time the founder of the Metallurg Fans Club.

Accordingly, Grigurko provides more details than the taciturn Malkin.

"“Zhenya and I have long wanted to do something,” Grigurko begins with the background to the opening of the restaurant. –Malkin already has a hockey store, so we decided to do something quiet, our own, for the soul. I wanted to surprise people with something, because everyone had long been tired of stretch ceilings and plaster. There was a thought about an Irish pub, but the idea was intercepted ...

Then they remembered. After all, we have a zone in Magnitogorsk. So let's make a small restaurant with European cuisine in a prison style. Let's combine external rudeness and internal comfort. But most importantly, our dishes are cooked on an open fire, on coals. If desired, the client himself dresses up as a cook and goes to cook ...

We prepared the project for about six months, immersed inthe world of construction, bureaucracy and paperwork. […] I am in charge of all current affairs. Zhenya constantly monitors the process. Even while at the Olympics in Turin and the World Championships in Riga, he called all the time, asked about problems, and helped. After all, this was his brainchild, and he rooted for it with his soul. We hung up the plasma screens together, arranged the chairs..."

Our “shooter” managed to get everywhere.Not only was he deeply involved in opening a restaurant (which is logical for a co-owner)… But also a hockey store at the age of 20 in 2006? As you can see, even then Evgeniy was shaping up to be a future serial entrepreneur. One problem: among the legal entities in his profile there is nothing that was earlier than 2013. In Grigurko’s profile, the first in chronological order is his individual entrepreneur from 2009.So who ran the restaurant? And who was its real owner? And who was the hockey store designed for?

One might assume that the parents - butNeither Natalya Mikhailovna Malkina nor Vladimir Anatolyevich Malkina had any legal entities registered at that time. His mother’s full namesake, Gino, will open a private enterprise only in 2012 (he will close it in 2016), and his father is not mentioned anywhere at all either as a director or as a founder or shareholder.

Perhaps it’s because of brother Denis, who in 2005opened my own IP. Its main activity was “Retail trade in sportswear” (OKVED code 52.42.5). Which sounds a lot like a hockey equipment store. But this is still not a catering establishment.

There is an option that the restaurant actually “hung” onZaitsev. Or his business partner, Andrey Valerievich Sukhachev. Who worked in nightclubs, casinos, gaming clubs with bookmakers. Then the design would look logical - Malkin plays the role of frontman and “plays businessman” with a friend, doing it at his own expense, and operational management is handled by more experienced comrades who will not allow young talents to immediately and irrevocably drive the business into losses.

However, losses were still not avoided.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 1/7

Source: www.ok-magazine.ru/stars/interview/6143-evgeniy-malkin#section1


The end was a bit predictable:

— You had a restaurant in Magnitogorsk. Is it still open?

— We rented it out. Mom didn't want to do this.

What “rented out” in this case is unclear.Did Malkin own the space? Transferred the business in some way? Then how exactly did this happen and with whose participation? In any case, the new owner of the restaurant renamed it, but kept the theme. The hockey player’s assessment of his restaurant experience in 2017 was laconic: "... It wasn’t very successful there, now it [the restaurant] is closed."

“NOT VERY SUCCESSFULLY ADDED” - this is generally the key phrase for the Pittsburgh leader’s attempt to become a leader in real business.

She describes almost the entire business experience.Eugene - you will see this soon. And here the fun begins - stay with us, do not switch the channel. At first it will be a little tedious, but then the plot will unfold quite well. More fun than Igor Musatov.

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Original post: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/592d3ad87ddde88dbd5af2da/v-hokkee-bog-po-jizni-loh-biznes-ico-i-vernye-druzia-evgeniia-malkina-za-kotoryh-on-je-i-budet-otvechat-5d7a000a35ca3100ad9a5b3c

Main blog: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/592d3ad87ddde88dbd5af2da

Telegram channel “Cryptocritique”: https://t.me/cryptocritique

Telegram channel “Marketing Huyarketing”: https://t.me/marketinghuyarketing