February 8, 2025

"He's a god in hockey, he's a sucker in life"Business, ICO and Evgeni Malkin's "true friends", for whom he will beAnswer.– Part 7/7

Chapter 14. Nobody wants to answer.

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It would be strange to confine ourselves only to conversations withMachikhin, Ershov and Shamov. Therefore, we decided to contact the other defendants and ask them accumulated questions. The result was extremely predictable.

Nikolai Trotsyuk (Altstein)could not answerfor calls.

Yulia Trostyanskayacould not answerfor calls.

Vladislav Utushkinrefused to comment.

Strokatov seniorasked to call backin five days.

Strokatov Jr. asked to call back on the nextday or ask questions to the commercial director of the Diversus trading house, Evgeniy Trotsyuk. In response to the request to respond in writing to the list of questions provided to him, he sent a notification that it is mandatoryanswer questions on returning from a SUDDENLY ARRIVING business trip.

Denis Polulyakhov after the request to answer the list of questionsstated that he was undergoing treatment, and the answer is not possible.

Yana Kontorovich answered the call and suggestedarrange a video conference the next day. However, at the appointed time, neither she nor Marina Danilyuk (Mark.Space lawyer), who was supposed to organize the call,did not appear on air. Next, Yana requested questions in writing - they were provided to her. After which a response came from Arina Babushkina (secretary of Mark.Space), which said thatTikhonov and Kontorovich are on vacationand will respond as soon as possible.

Anton Tikhonov asked to send a list of questions, looked at them, butdidn't answer any.

Evgeni Malkin asked "Why do you ask me questions if I did not give permission for an interview?" Andrefused to answer. Moreover, even before we wrote a message to Evgeny, we were contacted by a certain Ildar, who is also designated as her personal agent on Anna Kasterova’s (hockey player’s wife) Instagram.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - part 7/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - part 7/7

Source: www.instagram.com/e.malkin71geno/?hl=en


Presumably, we are talking about Ildar Irekovich Giniyatov, Marketing Director of the BRIZO company, which develops CRM systems.

Well, okay, let there be one agent for two. However, Ildar introduced himself as follows: "I am responsible for both Evgeniy’s personal PR andI advise him on business projects". WHAT??? Then, it turns out, questions to Evgeni Malkin should automatically be addressed to Ildar personally. However, we are unlikely to expect answers from him.

Because he firstasked not to publish articles related to the topic of Malkin’s business in general. Then I requested a draft of the material,because supposedly only after that the hockey star was ready to give her comments. Then he repeated again “Eugene’s personal request not to release this material without coordinating the content regarding his business interests”.

In the end, we got tired of it, and a list of questions was sent to both Ildar and Malkin directly. As a result, we received this answer: "Unfortunately,Evgeniy is currently at a sports training campand unavailable". WHAT???? In mid-October, in the middle of the NHL season, in Miami and with an injury? Evgeniy, isn’t it time for you to change your agent to someone at least a little smarter?

In the end, all this looks like a guilty plea. Nevertheless, even within the framework of the article, we are obliged to ask questions that we were extremely interested in.

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Questions for Nikolai Trotsyuk (Alstein):

1) For what specific reason did you quarrel withAnton Tikhonov and took the team from the Park Mark project? Why did it happen that the rights to trademarks remained on legal entities related to Anton Tikhonov and Yana Kontorovich? Who really came up with the ParkMark / Megamall project?

2) How much money and in what form (cash, bank transfer, loan, contribution to the authorized capital) Eugene Malkin, Nikolai and Alexander Strokatovs invested in companies managed or co-founded by you? What were they promised for this?

3) Do we understand that the mainthe funds for which the legal entity to which you are involved are external investments or loans? How did Evgeni Malkin react to the fact that these companies did not show profitability and generate losses?

4) Have you participated in the ICO Mark.Space?

5) Why did you change your last name to Altstein in 2017? Are you going to emigrate? If so, to which country?

6) Why was the Dekole advertising agency listed on the website and in the media as an international company? We found no evidence of this.

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Questions for Julia Trostyanskaya:

1) How long have you known Anton Tikhonov and is it true that you have a long personal relationship with Denis Polulyakhov?

2) Your Facebook says that you areCEO and founder of the Moda.Mark project (Mark.Moda)? How does this compare with the statement of Yana Kontorovich that the husband of the project is her husband, Anton? Do you really manage the Moda.Mark project or are you a nominee director?

3) Does Julia Trostyanskaya know the source of incomemoney in a legal entity related to the Moda.Mark project (Mark.Moda)? Is it true that the funds raised at the ICO Mark.Space were partially used to develop the ModaMark project?

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Questions for Denis Polulyakhova:

1) How long have you been familiar with the topic of cryptocurrencies and have you been investing in this environment yourself? What projects did you do before Mark.Space?

2) Whose idea was Mark.Space on ICO and why? Was the project team going to return the previously invested money to MarkModa and Mark.Space projects at the expense of new investors? What did you personally and your Mark.Space colleagues promise all investor groups before the ICO?

3) How much have you personally attracted investments (buyers of tokens), and how many - your colleagues? What were these investors?

4) Is it true that Anton Tikhonov personally made all the key decisions on the Mark.Space project, especially financial ones? Whose wallet attracted funds of investors / buyers of Mark.Space tokens?

5) Have you received a reward based on the results of ICO Mark.Space? If so, in what size and in what form?

6) Is it true that the Mark.Space office is in Anton Tikhonov’s private apartments in Moscow City? Is it true that you also lived in them?

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Questions for Nikolai and Alexander Strokatov:

1) Alexander, you were one of the first investors of the Moda.Mark project (Mark.moda). Do you think your investments have paid off?

2) Alexander, did you really persuadehis father Nikolai Strokatov to invest additionally in the Moda.Mark project, is that so? If so, what questions did your father ask to evaluate the project you were planning to invest in? Do you feel responsible for the result of his investment?

3) Alexander, are you evaluating Moda projects?Mark and Mark.Space as obviously not recouped or unprofitable? Do you think that the team of these projects fully informed him about what is happening as part of these business projects and told you and your father the truth?

4) Did you and your father manage to repay investments in these projects? If so, how?

5) Who specifically invested several tens of millions of rubles in various legal entities associated with Yana Kontorovich and Anton Tikhonov?

6) Nikolay, is it true that before the ICO Mark.Space, did you insistently demand a return on past investments (about 100 million rubles)? Have you ever had a raised voice talking with the Moda.Mark / Mark.Space project team? If your investments paid off, were these payments from the project team? If so, in what form and volume?

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Questions for Yana Kontorovich:

1) Why are your colleagues on the project Mark.Space, where you are listed as CEO and one of the founders of the legal entity Mark.Space PTE, they say that you almost completely removed yourself from business during the ICO period? Do we understand correctly that you are a nominee director of legal entities that are related to the Mark.Space project?

2) Why the developers of the project Mark.Space (Site Makers LLC) refused to transfer intellectual property rights to the project and its support, judging by the latest reports on the site of the development team?

3) Is it true that the funds raised at ICO Mark.Space, were used to finance the Moda.Mark project (Mark.Moda)? If not, from what funds is this project financed, and who is carrying out its ongoing development?

4) Why did you get a new telegram channel for Mark.Space? What did not suit you in the previous version?

5) Why is it impossible for a Singapore legal entity to receive a financial report? Do we understand correctly that there was virtually no cash flow through this legal entity? If not, why not a report?

6) Why does the Estonian legal entity Mark Space OU look as if the funds did not go through it, although it was supposed that the services of the development team should be paid for through it?

7) What funds did you purchase the Lexus LX570 car (license plate number V696EK 799, the estimated purchase price of about 7 million rubles) almost immediately after the ICO? Source of origin of these funds?

8) In your ad for the sale of this machineit was indicated that you and your family intend to move to another country. Where and why? How should your move help the development of Moda.Mark and Mark.Space projects and safeguard the interests of investors?

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Questions for Anton Tikhonov:

1) Former Park Mark project investor wrote that the project was originally stillborn. Can you reasonably argue why this is not so?

2) Is it true that you actually controlprojects Moda.Mark (Mark.Moda) and Mark.Space, without being mentioned in any of the legal entities directly related to the projects? Do we understand that you are the ultimate beneficiary of Mark.Moda and Mark.Space? Is it true that you made most of your finance and development decisions regarding MarkModa and Mark.Space?

3) Who initially gave money for the development of Mark.Space and Mark.Moda projects? In what volumes and in what form?

4) Why are the domains mark.space and markspace.io registered on you, as an individual? This is despite the fact that in the accompanying documents at the ICO it was indicated that the Singapore legal entity Mark.Space PTE owns the domain markspace.io.

5) How much money was actually raised forICO? $ 22 million or more? On whose wallet were cryptocurrency funds accepted? Do we understand correctly that it belonged directly to you? What happened to the previous wallet, to which access was lost? How much money was there?

6) Do we understand correctly that the meanswere partially or completely accepted outside the framework of smart contracts and without an agreement? If so, do you know what unjust enrichment is? Did you accept funds via bank transfers or cash? Is it true that you cashed out the received cryptocurrency through one or more crypto exchangers located in Moscow City?

7) Do we understand correctly that the office of Moda.Mark (Mark.Moda) in Moscow City is actually located in your residential apartment? If so, do you pay it from personal funds or from the company account?

8) What was promised to Eugene Malkin in the framework of the ICO? If a reward, then to what extent and in what form?

9) Why do not you pay for the services of the development team and the maintenance of the Japanese office? And why couldn’t you conclude agreements with them?

10) Where did the Mercedes and Lexus cars come from in your family after the ICO? What funds were they purchased? Is it true that these were actually funds of Mark.Space investors?

11) Is it true that you are looking for new rounds of investing for the Moda.Mark and Mark.Space projects among the familiar hockey players?

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Questions for Evgeni Malkin:

1) How did you meet Nikolai Trotsyuk(Altstein) and Anton Tikhonov? How did you decide to start a joint business? What was promised to you as an investor / co-founder, especially from Anton Tikhonov and Nikolai Trotsyuk?

2) How much investment on your part was injoint projects with Alexander Strokatov, Nikolai Trotsyuk, Anton Tikhonov and Yana Kontorovich? In what form were they made (for example, a loan agreement)?

3) Have your investments in these joint ventures paid offprojects, especially in Moda.Mark (Mark.Moda) and Mark.Space? We ask this, taking into account the fact that the legal entity in which you and your partners are co-founders does not seem to demonstrate at least some significant profit. Moreover, a number of legal entities look abandoned.

4) Did you understand the essence of the Mark.Space and Moda.Mark (Mark.Moda) projects, their financial model and payback periods? Do you think that both of these projects were originally stillborn?

5) Is it true that you did not control at allthe activities and expenses of the Moda.Mark (Mark.Moda) and Mark.Space project teams, as well as the activities of Singapore-based legal entity Mark.Space PTE, where are you co-founder? Why did it happen? Why does Mark.Space PTE look empty and you cannot order financial statements from it?

6) Why in an interview with RBC and in advertising materialICO Mark.Space indicates that you invested $ 4 million in this project, if the project team members refute this, and this does not follow from the financial statements of legal entities?

7) Is it true that you received a reward of about 200 thousand dollars from the Uservice project for participating in their ICO?

8) How much have you personally earned at ICO Mark.Space? If you earned it, in what form?

9) Have you reported to the IRS (taxUS Administration) as an American tax resident about its cryptocurrency assets (tokens and cryptocurrencies) and operations with them, including ICOs? Did you know that this report is now mandatory in the US?

10) Is it true that you received US citizenship?


Chapter 15. Afterword.

Theo Fleury, Olympic champion and Cup winnerStanley, once said about Joe Sakika, a member of the hockey hall of fame, that in ordinary life the latter gave the impression of a complete nerd. And not a superhero. But everything changed radically when Joe put on a hockey uniform and went on the ice. Something similar is happening with Eugene Malkin. On ice, especially when he is in the mood, this is an unstoppable attack monster. But in ordinary life ... See the headline.

Because a professional athlete in Russia is a big child who is used to being responsible and thinking only on the field. And the rest of the time I should think and respondsomeone else. After that, this bad habit is regularly manifested both in the form of numerous criminal incidents, and in the form of dubious business undertakings with no less dubious partners. Which end with either a loss of money ... Or a presence in court, sometimes turning into moving to permanent residence in prison.

The most unpleasant thing for Malkin is that in this case he has two options available to him at once. On the one hand, money is spent on projects where there is really nothing except the words “spent”. On the other hand –project Mark.Space has every chance of becoming a subject of research by law enforcement agencies of various countries on the subject of a) especially large-scale fraud b) embezzlement c) money laundering d) violation of securities laws e) tax violations. And all this within the framework of an organized criminalcommunities (Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), as investigators like to formulate in the current realities, when they “draw up patients” under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud). What Malkin had to think in advance. And understand what he might risk in the future.

Including because the legal entity "smeared" inof this story, "hang" on it. Even if Eugene turns out to be a victim who, with special cynicism, was bred for money and friends and friends entered the troubled story, the concept of subsidiary liability still remains. When you answer with your money and property for the tricks of the company and those with whom you do business. This is what, among other things, brings the status of a businessman, and this is what they are not told about in “Business Youth” and “Synergy”. Business is not easy. It can’t be combined with hockey. This is not a guaranteed income. Business is something that is sometimes not fun and extremely expensive. Especially if you do not turn on your head and believe everything that your partners say and write.

This is why Russian athletes wantwish not only to pump up “game intelligence”, but to pump up intelligence in general. And if you go into business, then prepare in advance and carefully study your business partners. This saves time, money and nerves. And allows you to remain free.

By the way, call Sergey Berezin, ask how he is doing.


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Original post: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/592d3ad87ddde88dbd5af2da/v-hokkee-bog-po-jizni-loh-biznes-ico-i-vernye-druzia-evgeniia-malkina-za-kotoryh-on-je-i-budet-otvechat-5d7a000a35ca3100ad9a5b3c

Main blog: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/592d3ad87ddde88dbd5af2da

Telegram channel “Cryptocritique”: https://t.me/cryptocritique

Telegram channel “Marketing Huyarketing”: https://t.me/marketinghuyarketing