October 8, 2024

“In hockey – God, in life – sucker”. Business, ICO and “true friends” Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. – Part 3/7

Chapter 5. Started up and quit.

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One of the main motivationsWhat drives naive investors to ICOs and other searches for money is debt. As they say, you see token sales, investment pitching and crowdfunding – look for debts from the organizers. And we found them!

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

Please note - continuous debts fortaxes and fees. And more than a year ago - for 2018. Do you know what that means? These legal entities are already virtually dead. There is no liquidation process yet, but the reporting has already been scored, and so have the taxes. And there is no money in legal entities and accounts either - otherwise the tax would have technically squeezed it directly through the bank. Fortunately, the process is established. And so it means there were some not very significant (otherwise it would be a “particularly large amount” and the opening of a criminal case) fines, which fiscals leaked to recover the bailiffs. And there is nothing to recover, that’s the order hanging with ballast.

Now pay attention to who exactly is in a commercial coma - Diversus Group LLC and TD Diversus LLC, as well as Tea Technologies LLC. What tells us thatIt is not for nothing that the tea and water business of Malkin, Trotsyuk-Altstein and Co. shows very weak signs of life in retail. And most likely, this line of activity is already “dead”and apart from the “spent” mark, nothing brought either a hockey player or his loyal friends and business partners.

By the way, there would be nothing reprehensible in this. We quickly launched a business to test a commercial idea, checked it, it didn’t work, and promptly folded. HADI cycles and all that.

But Altshein-Trotsyuk’s behavior on history andthe number of legal entities opened for himself, so far he looks more like a “drag from the 90s” than a hipster startup. Although both are now called “serial entrepreneurs”. Which is usually associated with the words “wasted”, “dead business model”, “doing some kind of garbage” and “losses”. And very often all together this is called "investor self-employment".

Speaking of investors. The obvious question arises - at whose expense is the banquet? After all, you can start on your own, you can (cross yourself) on borrowed. And you can find a "rich Pinocchio" who will not understand the process, will not understand management accounting and will not ask too detailed questions due to existing knowledge and education. And there will be no desire and / or resource to bury you in the forest in case of epic failure, embezzlement or theft. Who will endure and believe in the hope of a bright future with a rain of gold coins. But in practice, it turns out a "golden rain" instead of a rain of gold - and this is an extremely bad investor.

But this is very good for “serial entrepreneurs” (“typical startupers”), whosethe main functionality with such introductory becomes not to ensure the profit of the enterprise, but to provide a reliable simulation of the business. Well, so that you and your friends have salariesbig ones. And the awards pleased the eye and a personal bank account. And so that money can be skillfully withdrawn for personal needs and thrown to other legal entities. And then, when the money runs out, you will have to fully turn on the skill “talk deer”, promising golden mountains and future greatness. If this option is not working, then new "deer" are sought from the outside. They hang noodles on their ears with tripled strength in the expectation of new investments and cash injections.

In this case, the previous “deer” can decide withas a team, play “pyramiding” - that is, using the money of the new “deer” to recoup their own investments. And even make money from it. Sometimes you can make a lot of money. According to this principle, there is one “investment club”, headed by one famous real estate character. Which brings (or supposedly brings) 1-2 million dollars into yet another crippled and wretched startup with an initially dead business model, thus agitating the “hamsters” to bring in the same amount, so that due to the number of “hamsters” they can take away not their 2, but already, let's say 4 strangers. The rest of the total fees will be spent on work fuss and salaries for “pocket” startupers, stretching the process over time. Then the startup technically collapses, because “This is a venture, what did you want?!” Everyone is in profit, except for those who brought in the dough in the second stage.

You may ask: what does Evgeni Malkin and his hockey player friends have to do with it? To answer, you will have to look into SPARK and see what happened with the finances of the previously mentioned legal entities. Athe following happened there: infusions from the outside and the actual lack of revenue. That is, a primitive milking of investors.

Let's start with the legal entity behind the production and sale of Essential Aqua water, owned and co-owned by Gino.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

What do we see? Ridiculous revenue for 2018 and management expenses 12 times more than it. Profit is 53 times less than expenses. The company hasONEHuman. But at the same time, someone contributed 35.5 million rubles to the project. Hmm, let's guess... I think his name is Evgeniy, his last name starts with "M"…


Now let's see what happens inside the LLC"Tea Technologies", which is responsible for sales of Cuplid tea. Their main site is dead and even the Web Archive doesn’t see anything (the Cuplid site is alive), but the co-owners are Strokatov Jr. and Vitaly Kolesnik and his wife. The company hasTHREEperson.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

In 2017-2018, the legal entity shows deeplosses (expenses are many times greater than revenue). Moreover, the company cannot pay a thousand rubles to the Pension Fund. That is actually thrown and there is no money in it. The tea business of Malkin’s friends is dead. At the same time, the company took a substantial loan (I wonder who?) - and then it would be time for Mr. Trotsyuk to change his name to Altstein.

TD Diversus LLC, in which Evgeniy Malkin is a co-owner (plus Kolesnik and Strokatov Jr.) and which already has as manyFIVEman, a generally similar situation. Management expenses at times exceed not just profit, but also revenue. In addition, an outstanding loan is hanging. Typical startup ©.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

And here is another “typical startup” from Altstein-Trotsyuk - IF PROFI LLC withALONEman on board. The end is a little predictable ©. You would also change your name after that.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

Next we go to the initially dubious project Diversus Stadium (Aintrees Stadium) with its LLC “UK Diversus”, whereONEperson of staff, and in which co-foundersturned out to be Strokatov and Kolesnik. We see everything the same as before. Again, a "typical startup" in which someone poured money. Strokatov Jr? Wheelchair? Both at once? In 2019, Altstein will register Stadium Platform LLC, the name of which implies that the idea with stadiums is still alive.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

And finally, Diversus Group LLC, through whichTrotsyuk-Altstein controlled other OOOshki. On board - 6 people and, traditionally, loans, ridiculous revenue, normal expenses and total losses. This is in the spirit of a typical Russian business and typical Russian startups. We love that. And if you look at the dynamics of job postings (available in SPARK and on HH.ru), it turns out that companies need about EVERYTHING. I wonder who "milked" here - Malkin? Strokatova? Wheelchair? All at once?

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

In general, you already understand: where Trutsyuk-Altstein is, there is victory.Moreover, the financial victory, presumably, only Nicholas. But the rest are forced to fork out for the right to have the proud status of “businessman”. In general, not “Diversus”, but a whole diversion for investors and creditors. It is surprising that no one has taken Kolya for a life-giving walk into the forest. Although who knows, maybe already.

However, from the entire hockey business familywe have not yet touched another hockey bro - Anton Tikhonov. But this is the most interesting! After all, Anton also loves money very much - especially if they come to him from his hockey brothers. Or from naive "hamsters" at the ICO.

Chapter 6. Megamall, PARKMARK, MODA.MARK and 3D-Vasyuki at the expense of investors.

At the end of 2013, on the deceased websiteagency DEKOLE, from which the Diversus Group website was hatched, news appears related to a new large-scale and even secret project in the field of e-commerce, which should change, if not everything, then a lot. The link inside the news itself led to the employer's page on HeadHunter - now the Moda Mark project.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

But the project will be called that later, but in the original it was called differently.Megamall. Simple and unpretentious.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

Source: diversus-group.ru/news/181 “In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

Source: diversus-group.ru/news/183  “In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

Source: diversus-group.ru/news/185 

News releases gave an enthusiastic picture of the magnificent 3D New Vasyukov in retail and e-commerce.

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"... a real revolution in the e-commerce market, which will at least double its volume in the coming year.”

"Thanks to the research and development of a huge staff of programmers and 3D visualizers, "Megamall" represents something that until today could not be technically realized: real shopping mall in virtual space".

"At Megamall all world brands are representedso that every visitor can easily find and buy any product, as well as a wide range of services that will definitely not leave anyone indifferent."

"Leading developers, programmers and designers used maximum 3D and first-class graphics with the goal of creating a unique realistic world in virtual space.

Chic interior and impeccable infrastructure, a variety of exclusively recognizable brands,honed service - in the Online Megamall, buyers will stroll along the marble floor, communicate, view collections in boutiques and make purchases.

The virtual 3D model of a real shopping center opens up a ton of new opportunities for monetization, converting at fantastic speedvisitors into real buyers. At the same time, like a pump, it will constantly “pump up” the system of deferred demand, allowing customers to learn about new products in advance and study the brand’s products in detail in a relaxed atmosphere, which stimulates them to make purchases much more often and faster.

» Megamall is next generation shopping tours."

" Megamall allows you to declare Unprecedentedly high conversion for the e-commerce market with the ability to turn up to 90% of visitors to buyers".

“In addition to the exclusive platform, this is also a real cultural and entertainment center in a virtual space where you can find shop friends in a branded social network, visit a real online movie theater. ”

"You will find yourself in a brilliant shopping center, designed in first-class graphics and practically tangible 3D, so believable that it seems that you can touch it with your hand!"

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What is highlighted in bold is what is at least doubtful. What now, what then. And at most – was a lie from start to finish. However... "All the secrets of the online megamall will be revealed only after the opening". Comfortable! After which on the websites DEKOLE / Diversus there won't be any news about the development of this project. It was as if he had died after birth for Trotsky or he did not exist. But the project itself, of course, was not going to die.

By the way, remember the logo with the letter “M” - we will need it later. Here it is on Yana Kontorovich’s VK – in the form of an uploaded video teaser.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

But Anton Tikhonov has the same teaser, but withwith minor modifications and in the form of a repost from the "X-MARK" page. Presumably, “Megamall” simultaneously began to be called that. Or is it a public blog about everything that Tikhonov-Kontorovich-who-else-else decided to run in parallel.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

Interestingly, on the X-Mark page there is thispost dated January 15, 2014 “Fictional money” is a good description of what will happen at the ICO with Tikhonov’s project already called Mark.Space.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

However, we were a little distracted. In search of the history of the formation of Megamall SPARK brings us to the following list of domains and trademarks:

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

Note:domains have been registered since 2013, and trademark applications since 2014. It seems that there was some kind of struggle for intellectual property within the hockey-startup community. Moreover, the mark used by Mark.Space and Mark.Moda (circled) was recorded in the possession of MARK LLC only in July 2018. That is ICO was carried out even without rights to its own mark (see logo here). No, but what? ©

At the same time, the moda-mark domain.ru is registered to a private person on October 15, 2013. The domain capital-mark.ru is registered to a private person on February 21, 2014. We think that the private person’s name is Anton. This is Anton.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

Having scored the address above mail in Yandex or Google, you will find this. Hmm, an IT startup with experience!

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

Now, with the help of Web Archive, let's see what was on those domains from 2013. The earliest snapshots are available on mall-mark.ru for 2015. So what do we see? Familiar face!

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

Now let’s dig a little deeper into the presentation presented on the website back then. It turns out that the long-suffering ParkMark / Megamall was a whole collection of other MARK services.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

Please note: the internal currency is “Mark” (poor son Kontorovich - he is everywhere!) and selling virtual bows and things. Almost like tokens in Mark Space. In 2017-18, almost nothing needed to be changed at the ICO.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

But not everything is so simple and great. To work in a fashion studio you had to first it was to make a 3D model of the client by digitizing the figure in the Moda Mark showrooms, and then the virtual avatar would appear in the user’s personal account.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

This classic bottleneck in this kind of project and misunderstanding of client logic. You can remember the molding of samples for the clienteven under the Mi Adidas project back in 2000 (!) with the formation of three-dimensional foot models in Adidas stores, on the basis of which they then made custom-made boots for clients. The project was eventually canceled for completely understandable reasons:

1) People who need customization of shoes (for example, from different feet or their problematic form), LITTLE. The final price tag becomes either indecent for the client, or the volume of production does not cover the costs.

2) The mass customer, going to the store, wants to decidethe problem RIGHT NOW, and not wait until his foot is measured, then sometime in the future they will bring shoes. Including because many purchases occur spontaneously on emotions (“freaked out”, “I wanted something”) or because a need suddenly surfaced.

Accordingly, it is easy to conclude that a fashionable laboratory where you had to rub your feet into show rooms (which required an entire network to cover, with expensive equipment – Have you seen at least one of them?), let yourself be measured and then wait for your 3D avatar to appear in your personal account…

All this was doomed to failure from the very beginning.

But this was not necessary for investors to know. They needed forecasts.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

Please note that for the fulfillment of promises onaudience growth is planned "aggressive marketing policy" and a federal advertising campaign (offline + online). Which, of course, will require money from investors. Now the question is, does anyone remember the advertising campaigns of the ParkMark, Moda Mark / Mark Moda or Mall Mark projects? And we do not remember. Apparently, investors were not lucky. Although ... Not really.

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

Someone shared money well with legal entities,generating minimal revenue or even loss. Hmm, who could it be ... Malkin? Strokatov? Wheelchair? Together? One thing can be said: these people clearly believed in the business genius of Anton Tikhonov and his wife Yana Kontorovich.

And all this investor suffering was not imaginedIt would be interesting if from Megamall after a series of transformations into Mall Mark (Park Mark / Loft Mark) and Mark.Moda, in which they discarded the 3D frills and instead of figures, now it seems they simply pin faces to the finished figure (although here in the video is Malkin in full height and in shorts)…

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

“In hockey he’s a god, in life he’s a loser.” Business, ICO and "true friends" Evgeniy Malkin, for whom he will also be responsible. - Part 3/7

... Mark.Space did not appear and would not go to ICO. In which he will collect $10.5 million from naive third-party investors, hiding behind the name of a hockey star once again.

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Original post: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/592d3ad87ddde88dbd5af2da/v-hokkee-bog-po-jizni-loh-biznes-ico-i-vernye-druzia-evgeniia-malkina-za-kotoryh-on-je-i-budet-otvechat-5d7a000a35ca3100ad9a5b3c

Main blog: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/592d3ad87ddde88dbd5af2da

Telegram channel “Cryptocritique”: https://t.me/cryptocritique

Telegram channel “Marketing Huyarketing”: https://t.me/marketinghuyarketing