April 19, 2024

GameStop accused of selling 'unethical' NFTs

GameStop Accused of Selling 'Unethical' NFT

A Twitter user under the nickname cringepolitik considered unethical a non-fungible token with an image of a fallingfigures in a spacesuit hosted on the GameStop NFT marketplace. 


According to cringepolitik, NFT Falling Man is reminiscent of the photograph of the same name by Associated Press reporter Richard Drew, taken during the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York.

Another user complained about the token to the marketplace support service. GameStop promised to remove NFT and stated that they had already taken away the possibility of minting from the author.

Another member of the crypto community noticed that the pixelated original photo of the “Falling Man” has been on sale on the leading NFT marketplace OpenSea for two months.

He attached relevant screenshots and a link. At the time of publication, OpenSea has not responded to the allegations.


Recall that in June the trading volume on NFT marketplaces fell by 74%.

The same month behind the Bored Ape collectionYacht Club, Yuga Labs is suing artist Ryder Ripps for issuing and selling "fake" tokens that "devalue" original work.

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