April 20, 2024

full Bitcoin network node

full Bitcoin network node

A user of the Bitcoin system can select a full node of the Bitcoin network, which uploads and stores all blockstransactions since the launch of the Bitcoin system, or incomplete. A complete site is much more reliable in terms of transaction confirmation and allows you to remain anonymous.
Whereas incomplete - forced to rely onserver data in terms of confirming transactions and revealing to it all your Bitcoin network addresses, which is why anonymity suffers. Since an incomplete node does not store the entire chain of transaction blocks, it can only transmit a list of its addresses to the server, and the server can respond to it - how many bitcoins were transferred to these addresses, using the data stored on the current state of all wallets.
At the moment, all transaction blocks occupy about 290 GB, and to this 290 GB 0.75 MB (transaction block size) is added every 9 minutes.
This is another fundamental limitationBitcoin systems in terms of extensibility. To increase the number of transactions per second, it is enough to simply reduce the time between the appearance of new signed blocks (reduce the mining difficulty to one block per 1 minute, for example). But, this will lead to an increase in the load on full nodes to receive new data.
Thus, to increase throughputBitcoin capabilities should also provide a mechanism for “archiving” outdated transaction blocks, deleting them from the hard drive and continuing to work only with up-to-date information.

Sincerely, BitJackass (https://t.me/BitJackass).