April 20, 2024

French high school students will be told about cryptocurrencies

The French Ministry of Education presented a new education plan, according to which high school studentstalk about bitcoin and the impact of cryptocurrencies on the economy of the country and the world.

According to a document submitted by officials,teachers will be provided with three educational videos that will cover issues such as “is bitcoin the currency of the future” and “can bitcoin replace the euro,” as well as the issue of confidence in the national currency.

This should help French students getbasic knowledge of cryptocurrencies and their role in the traditional financial world. Officials note that this is only an orientation course, so high school students will receive the most basic knowledge about digital currencies.

Previously reported that 25,000 stores and 30brands in France, including Boulanger, Foot Locker, Decathlon, Conforama, Maison du Monde, Norauto and Sephora, will accept Bitcoin payments from next year.
