Forex Academy Lesson 20 Identify Price Patterns Base Big Buyer, Seller
Refute orAgree with the theses
1. Forex trading is NOT a bet, people lose money like in a casino.
2. Insanity about financial independence does not lead to anything.
3. No one will give a 100% guarantee on the forecast for the currency.
4 80% of traders have gambling 5. on the exchange, success depends on the loss of the other - this is a zero-sum game
6. The market is volatile!
7.Tradercan years5-7 to be in the red Do you have trading fatigue?
I use sports and walks.Do you often trade intraday?
I have no more than 2-5 transactions
— How to stay calm in stressful situations on the Forex market on the stock exchange?
– My method is a strategy plan for the weekend, no intraday trading, what kind of deposit do you work with?
I am inside the day 2 K. The average period is two by 2 K. And you?
How to stay calm in stressful situations on the Forex market on the exchange?
There are 20 rules for quiet trading. The psychology of trading is 80% success. The answer is a simple amount of loss should be acceptable to the psyche of the trader. What are your profits over the past 10 years?
I have 5-10% per annum
Lesson 19. Determine the potential of fractals using Bill Oneal's system on a chart
Define the terms: bar, candle, exchange volume, swap, discount rate, issue, leverage.
Select 15 stocks for the intraday pharmaceuticals sector.
Forex Academy. Forex Academy. Lesson 18. Determine the potential of the price company on the chart
Define the terms: swap, discount rate, issue, leverage.
Pick up 25 stocks for the intardey.
Forex Academy. Lesson 17. Determine the exit price from a position on the chart
Forex Academy. Lesson 16. Determine the impact on the price of news release on the chart
Forex Academy. Lesson 15 Determine price local minimums and maximums on the chart
Forex Academy. Lesson 14 Determine the trend, price levels, create a strategy for take profit transactions. Assess the potential and volatility of a financial instrument.Forex Academy.Lesson 13 Determine the price levels of take profit trades.Assess the volatility of a financial instrument.
Forex Academy.Lesson 12 Determine the price levels of long and short trades Forex Academy.Forex Academy.Lesson 11 Identify Price Levels by Elliott WavesForex Academy.Lesson 10 Determine Fibonacci Price LevelsForex Academy.Lesson 9: Identify Chart Formations for Medium-Term TradingForex Academy.Lesson 8: Identify Entry Points for Big Buyers and Sellers
Forex Academy.Lesson 8: Identify Points to Open a Sell Order on the Chart
Forex Academy. Lesson 7: Determine the points for opening a buy order on the chartForex Academy. Lesson 6. Determine the level of supportForex Academy. Lesson 5. Identify Resistance LevelsForex Academy. Lesson 4. IDENTIFY order failures. FOREX EDUCATION. LEVEL 4. PRICE LEVELForex Academy. Lesson 3: DEFINE PRICE LEVELS. FOREX EDUCATION. LEVEL 1. PRICE LEVELgraphic trading signals. Lesson 2. task to identify 15 signals on the chart
graphic trading signals. Lesson 1. task to identify 5 signals on the chart