April 23, 2024

Etalonium: Social Media, P2P and DAO - Time to Change Paradigm

Decentralized platform for the fashion industry Etalonium talks about the shortcomings and possiblealternatives to traditional social networks.

Since its inception, social networksfirmly entered into our lives. In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine a person without an account on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn. This fact is supported by the global activity indicator — The average person spends more than two and a half hours a day on social media! And Facebook still dominates the activity list — 2.4 million unique users per month. Youtube comes next (2 million), and WeChat closes the top three with 1.1 million users.

All these platforms have built a powerful ecosystemaround your product. They provide a variety of tools for both users looking for entertaining, educational or popular content, and for those who want to make money. Thanks to them, a new layer of businessmen was born — they have no representation in the real world, do not have a website for their business, a page on a social network is enough for them. Do they produce content, or sell hand-made goods — all requests can be satisfied by the social network. And he won't ask for anything in return. But is it?

What are we losing?

We are losing freedom. It is believed that now our data does not belong to us — we give all our data to the internet giants.

Recent scandals related to personal leaksdata from users of the largest social networks in the West and East showed that in the modern world a person’s identity does not belong to him. Corporations meticulously collect a user profile that describes everything: habits, desires, inclinations, dreams. All our data is a valuable commodity. In their never-ending desire to know everything, corporations go beyond their turf to spy and learn about things that should remain confidential — TikTok and WeChat are examples of this. The issue of personal digital security is becoming more pressing than ever.

But digital security — only oneside of the coin. Another — centralization. At its core, a social network is entirely dependent on the operating corporation and owner. The user owns the account only nominally, since the corporation stores the data and has full control over it. It's worth “falling out of favor” — and the person ceases to exist. Losing an account in the modern digital world is equivalent to excommunication in the Middle Ages — and just as in the Middle Ages, the right to decide remains in the hands of those who control the masses.

How the new paradigm was formed

This state of affairs could not but createpublic demand for an alternative. And it appeared when computer power increased to 47 Gflops in 2007. In theory, devices were able to perform most critical operations (such as encryption or data verification) locally, without the need to interact with a much more powerful and specialized server. This is how the concept of user distributed networks was created. And in 2011, she found her best use — blockchain, which gave rise to the phenomenon of cryptocurrencies.

At its core, the widespread usecryptocurrencies — utopian dream. But nevertheless, step by step, one can see how the utopia comes to life, giving rise to independent processes united by the common idea of ​​freedom. One of these processes was the formation of DAO — distributed autonomous organizations. DAO is regulated by the algorithms of the network in which it exists, excluding forgery, deception and human error. This organization ensures fair equality of participants and gives everyone a voice, forming a hierarchy in a fair way, based on the rules of the community described in the form of the network algorithm.

The DAO thread was warmly received by the crypto community andis reflected in the ideas and projects of major players in the international crypto market: the EOS platform — “Voice”, Bitfinex — “Dazaar”, Chinese technology social platform Baidu, etc.

Community response

Such principles formed the basis of the Etalonium platform — DAO platform, which is a social and work network for participants in the Fashion world and people who want to make money on it.

Through focus groups and events whereWith the participation of both Fashion industry professionals and caring supporters of the development of the crypto industry, Etalonium got an accurate picture of what a universal product should be, following the ideas of the DAO and helping its users in professional and social development.

In search of questions, problems and solutions, Etalonium has come a long way — Odessa, Paris, Cannes, Rio de Janeiro, San Paolo, Beijing, Shanghai.

Etalonium platform offers to forman effective ecosystem of the fashion world, where platform members can freely conduct business thanks to reliable and secure platform algorithms, create information platforms, hold events and explore the world of fashion. The platform determines efficiency through reliability, impartiality and openness of rating formation algorithms and security thanks to distributed technologies and, in particular, blockchain.

As a social network, Etalonium offers a newa form of interaction between creators and consumers of content, making its production and consumption profitable for each of the parties. Given the specific nature of the platform, it is users who play a central role in determining how valuable, aesthetic, and useful data is to the community. The selection algorithm generates a feed based on the actions of its users, and therefore the platform encourages participation in the work on content, thanks to rewards for activity in production, evaluation and selection to form an independent rating of content.

The key point of the platform's ecosystem isreputation module. Each user, regardless of their role, uses their reputation to communicate securely with the platform and other users.

The reputation module is based on the ExtraChain (ExC) blockchain. Any actions within the framework of Etalonium affect the rating and cannot be faked thanks to the blockchain.

As a working network, Etalonium, using the methodsprotection and verification available in the base protocol creates an independent, reliable and efficient ecosystem for the interaction of customers and contractors within the platform.

Etalonium is based on the ExtraChain (ExC) protocol and, using the features of ExC technology, creates a media ecosystem with a full set of basic content distribution channels. These include:

  • Photo and video content;
  • Streaming channel system;
  • Specialized work content (for customers and contractors of the Fashion world);
  • Custom advertising resources.

Special attention should be paid to the lastparagraph. Given the fact that the DAO imposes certain restrictions, Etalonium does not aim to use advertising as a source of income, unlike social networks with a classic approach (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.). Embodying the idea of ​​equality of network participants, Etalonium provides users with advertising tools, allowing them to develop both socially and professionally. Etalonium's idea is to create a new secure technological environment, a structure with all modern social channels and supply chains, convenient for both beginners and professionals from all over the world.

To ensure sustainable development, Etalonium offers the following modules:

  • Reputation and competency assessment system,protected by the blockchain. It is the basis of a module covering all activities of a network participant. According to the idea of ​​the system, the rating is compiled from the initial data specified by the participant and verified by the rest, and his subsequent activities. Any actions within the platform affect the rating and cannot be faked thanks to the blockchain.
  • ExC cryptocurrency with the ability to tokenize the participant's progress;
  • Messenger based on ExtraChain data exchange technology;
  • Personal Assistant — local analyzertrends and actions of the participant, helping in searching, evaluating and predicting what content will more effectively influence the rating and how to develop your personal brand;
  • Streaming service — a platform for sharing content and interacting with platform participants in real time;
  • Marketplace — platform for participants,engaged in the production of goods and sale of services in the world of Fashion. This platform is also connected to the Personal Assistant, which allows the participant to monitor the demand for goods and services, receive performance assessments and suggestions for improvement.

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