April 25, 2024

Emirates Airline integrates services with bitcoin into its services

The company's chief operating officer Adel Ahmed Al-Reda said that the leading airline of the United Arab EmiratesEmirates Airline will soon adopt "Bitcoin as a payment service". In addition, the airline will add collectibles in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFT) to its web page.


Reports of Airline Plans to Implement Bitcoinappeared just a few weeks after the announcement of plans to create the NFT and the metaverse. The goal of the company when launching the metaverse is to ensure that the airline is in line with the "vision of the digital economy of the UAE."

Al Reda said his company may need to hire employees to help build apps that track customer needs:

“NFT and the metaverse are two different applicationsand approach. C пoмoщью мeтaвceлeннoй вы cмoжeтe пpeoбpaзoвaть вce cвoи пpoцeccы, будь тo paбoтa, oбучeниe, пpoдaжи нa вeб-caйтe или пoлный oпыт в пpилoжeниe типa мeтaвceлeннoй, нo, чтo бoлee вaжнo, cдeлaть eгo интepaктивным».

The statement does not explicitly indicate that the airline plans to launch payments in bitcoins.
