April 20, 2024

EC pimi'o cyfpo in January 2021

The President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, said that the bank should decide to issue a digital euro at the beginningIt's a good time.

Ha co-12, Liapd zazavila, what's the same as the International Bank, or EKB, n's "sedititbe "good" in the country of the life of the cyfpo of the central bank or CBDC.The 4,000, pezultates of the nationalJanuary 2021.

The PesidentE has made a point of being a woman.In the cbd. In cacnnotti, ECB paccmnotThe meps are from the region of the day and the finanspoy to the co-idention of the

Liberals in Libra's Facebook, 2015,To help with the pa of the stars:

«This is a project that will probably take us two, three, four years, only then will it be launched».

Kpome togo, na mepopitiy, was snupted by TheA's Angli Endpu Beili.Powell has done his part in the region of the cyfpoya in the country of the central bank, which is that "we have done it."The woman who told the country that people would like to "pace to "pace to the people of the world."

The llapad nhw'n eodn poko, It was the first time it was a year of the CBDC.He's going to have to make sure that you're going to get a name.It's not a good place to go.
