The creator of the social network Vkontakte Pavel Durov will present the TON blockchain and the GRAM cryptocurrency at the WorldEconomic Forum in Davos, which will be held from January 22 to 25. The official launch of the TON project is scheduled for the second half of 2019.
The Telegram Open Network (TON) blockchain will becomea competitor to the Ethereum cryptocurrency network (ETH), as it will support decentralized applications and smart contracts. TON is a decentralized network consisting of a master chain (main blockchain) and 292 minor blockchains.
During the initial coin offering(ICO) project TON managed to attract a record high amount of investment – $1.7 billion. Programmers began working on the project to create GRAM tokens in 2018; in November, the startup’s leaders announced that the TON platform was 70% ready. According to data from anonymous sources, testing of the TON blockchain is already underway, and the full launch of the network is planned for the second half of this year.
The main topics of the World Economic Forumin Davos will become globalization and methods of interaction during the fourth industrial revolution. According to experts in the financial and technological industry, Pavel Durov will hold a demonstration of his cryptocurrency product at the forum, which is aimed at decentralizing the economy and creating a new generation payment system. Durov participated in the forum last year, but did not present new developments to the general public. However, now the blockchain is almost ready, so Pavel will be something to surprise the conference participants.
World Economic Forum in Davos alwaysattracts the attention of representatives of major IT companies and the leaders of large Internet portals. The forum will be attended by top managers from Google and Apple, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and the famous inventor Ilon Musk.