Researchers have created a new type of durable concrete withgood heat and sound insulation characteristics, which, among other things, repels various liquids. Flowing down the surface, they clean the material, taking dust particles with them.
There are plenty of examples in natureself-cleaning surfaces such as lotus leaves or gecko feet. Scientists have long tried to impart similar properties to concrete using hydrophobic materials. However, surface coatings became scratched and worn over time, and additives reduced strength.
A team from the American Chemical Society was looking for a simple way to make porous concrete with good mechanical and self-cleaning properties.
To do this, the researchers added oil,an emulsifier and a hydrophobic silicon polymer called polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Thanks to the emulsifier, the oil has formed many tiny drops containing polymer.
Then they dried and heated the concrete to oilevaporated, and the pores were covered with PDMS. The resulting material was light, but at the same time durable. He repelled dust particles and various liquids, including milk, beer, soy sauce, coffee and colored water, even when completely immersed in them.
Concrete retained superhydrophobic properties evenafter mechanical grinding, heat treatment and chemical exposure. In addition, it absorbs sound well and conducts heat poorly, which is important for building materials.
We also previously reported thatthat Gazprom Neft Research Center introduced a new bitumen material, which binds the components of the asphalt concrete mixture, forming a protective layer on the road surface.
text: Ilya Bauer, photo and video: American Chemical Society