April 19, 2024

Director MicroStrategу will receive Rewards in Bitcoins

A public company called MicroStrategy, led by Michael Saylor, who is considered one of the biggest supporters of Bitcoin,will begin to pay bribes to their directors, who are not employees, in bitcoins.

It is also said that “by adopting bitcoin as a formkompencatsii za u.chlug Coveta in kompanii coclalic nA THEIR ppivepzhennoct bitkoynu, uchityvaya cpocobnoct BTC vyctupat cpedctvom cbepezheniya, poddepzhivaemym nadozhnoy and obschedoctupnoy apxitektupoy c otkpytym icxodnym kodom, ne ppivyazannym to cuvepennoy denezhno-kpeditnoy politike. "

What are the technical aspects of payments, sizeThe compensation paid to each director who is not a staff member will remain unchanged and will be nominally expressed in US dollars. At the same time, the payments will be converted from US dollars into bitcoins using the payment process and transferred to the group.

By this step, the company strengthens its own and, without that, an optimal position in relation to bitcoin and underlines its firm belief in the main idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe power and performance

At the current moment, the company's assets in the main cryptocurrency are approaching 100,000 bitcoins.
