February 10, 2025

Developed a smart bionic pacemaker controlled by a neural network

Developed a smart bionic pacemaker controlled by a neural network

Scientists have created an intelligent bionic pacemaker that makes the heart beat with a natural rhythm, increasing the efficiency of blood pumping.

Current pacemakerscause contractions with a constant frequency, but the work of a healthy organ depends on breathing. The rhythm accelerates when you inhale and slows when you exhale. Although some devices may adjust the contractions depending on body temperature or average respiratory rate over a certain period, they remain monotonous.

A team of scientists from the Universities of Bristol and Bath has described a smarter pacemaker that helpsTo the heart to return to its natural rhythm. 

The device uses an analog chip based on a neural network, which capturesElectrical signals that occur in the chest muscles with each breath.The system analyzes this information and adjusts the work in real time, synchronizing the stimulation of the left atrium with breathing.

When tested on rats with heart failure, it increased the amount of blood pumped by 20 percent compared to monotonous pacemakers.

Many advanced technologies are used in medicine. Earlier, we also reported on the development of artificial blood, which is suitable for patients with any blood type and can be stored for more than a year.
