April 16, 2024

Crypto artist work sold for $ 290,000

A digital art piece by Rick and Mopty co-author Jactin Poyland was sold for $ 290,000.

WorkUnder the name "The Smintons" it was presented at an auction on the Niftu Gatewao marketplace, the winner bought it for $ 290,100.

This piece is part of the cryptocollection,created by Poyland and awarded the "Best Thing I Could Do". The series includes a few pieces inspired by Rick and Mopty, as well as other iconic cartoons, including "Simpsons".

«By the time the auctions closed, @JustinRoiland's total sales exceeded $1 million, and he became the 3rd Nifty Gateway artist to reach this milestone!! Congratulations to Justin and all the collectors!!»


Niftу Gatewaу is one of the leading world tradeThe NFT site, which is home to the Gemini Tailer and Cameron Winklewock. In December last year, there was a sale of digital art on the theme of "Star Wars" for $ 777,777.

Buyer Tim Kang commended artist Bipl for his attention to detail in the “physical and digital” spectrum.
