April 23, 2024

Crypto news. Astrology works on any coin.

There won't be many words. Only excerpts from my telegram.

Crypto news. Astrology works on any coin.

Whether I'm at Interactive Brokers... I went in, soI went to 100% of the deposit.The surprising thing is not this, but that before that small visits to , and when I risked the whole cutlet... Fixed loss -4500 dollars, although it could have waited until the plus.A day before expiration.

But not to open a marathon for 40 cents.)).

I switched to crypto.Fortunately, my investor is loyal to financial astrology.And we've already opened a couple of cool trades.

Crypto news. Astrology works on any coin.

I published this a long time ago. And yesterday, there was something to remember.

Crypto news. Astrology works on any coin.

Along the way, in the telegram channel, I posted ideas, current news, such as...

Crypto news. Astrology works on any coin.

But all good things come to an end... 12 subscribers, that's a record!

Crypto news. Astrology works on any coin.

Bye-bye, everyone!
Maybe for a long time.
If not forever.
