April 19, 2024

Crypto ATM operator General Bytes will return funds stolen by hackers to users

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Crypto ATM operator General Bytes will return funds stolen by hackers to users

Crypto ATM manufacturer General Bytes has announced its readiness to refund funds to users who suffered from the actions of hackers who gained access to clients’ hot wallets.

About a week ago General Bytes reportedsecurity breach: attackers managed to download malicious Java applications onto cryptomats, with the help of which they gained access to confidential user information. Hackers stole 56 BTC worth more than $1.5 million and 21.82 ETH worth $37,000.

General Bytes management stated thatis trying to resolve this unpleasant situation as soon as possible, and therefore intends to return all stolen funds to the victims of the hacker attack. General Bytes said it immediately took the necessary steps to prevent further unauthorized access to the systems and continues to work to improve security.

Along with compensation for damage to victimscustomers, the ATM manufacturer also urged users to take their own steps to protect personal information. It is recommended that all customers install their own server to protect the server platform using a VPN. According to General Bytes, the hack did not affect the majority of crypto ATM operators using their own server installations.

Note that back in 2021, researcha division of the Kraken exchange, Kraken Security Labs, published a report on the vulnerabilities of General Bytes crypto ATMs, which are not the first time they have been hacked.