Engineers developed a baseball cap that stimulates hair growth by exposing the scalp to very weak electrical impulses.
Nowadays, men usually fight baldness with special ineffective lotions, medications with a lot of side effects, or expensive and painful transplant operations.
An alternative is to electrically stimulate the skin, but this procedure is not practical as it requiresHowever, researchers from theThe University of Wisconsin at Madison offered a more convenient solution.
They placed inside an ordinary cap nanogenerators made of several layers of triboelectric materials, with a total thickness of 1 mm, which coverthe entire surface of the head and passively convert the mechanical energy of the body's natural movements into electrical energy.At the same time, soft low-frequency charges penetrate deep into the skin and stimulatedormant follicles and activate hair growth.
The device has passed laboratory tests, and is awaitingapproval for the start of clinical trials, and one of the developers has already tested the effectiveness of a baseball cap on his father. The results showed that such stimulation is at least twice as effective as lotions and popular drugs.
The developers note that the cap will only helpmen who are losing hair now or have recently become bald, because over time, the skin loses its ability to resume hair growth. It will also be useless during sleep due to insufficient movements.
Recently , scientists have also developed a miniature taster that can quickly determine the quality of alcohol and food products, as well as the differences between multiple samples of the same brand with 99% accuracy.