April 25, 2024

Copy-paste | Bitcoins will have a maximum of 21 million coins, and that's why

Satoshi Nakamoto limited the maximum emission of bitcoins to 21 million coins. But why did he chooseexactly this quantity?

Bitcoin is known as a deflationary currency.The total volume of its issue is limited to 21 million coins. This limit is immovable and cannot be changed. The reasons for this limitation have been discussed in the community more than once, but few people know why Satoshi chose this particular number - 21 million.

Fortunately, since the creation of Bitcoin there has beenThere is a lot of documentation to help us find the answer to this question. First, the total number of Satoshis in circulation (21 million BTC x 100,000,000) is an IEEE floating point number. This greatly simplifies the calculation, which is why numbers like these are commonly used in computer operating systems.

Essentially, 21 million was chosen because it’s easiercount. Additionally, 21 is a triangular number, which makes it especially attractive. For example, if you stack six blocks, then five blocks, then four blocks, and so on, you can create an equilateral triangle of 21 blocks.

Copy-paste | Bitcoins will have a maximum of 21 million coins, and that's why

Continued via the link: https://beincrypto.ru/bitkoinov-budet-maksimum-21-mln-monet-i-vot-pochemu/