Review of the book “Money Without Fools” — Alexander SilaevI bought and read the book by Alexander Silaev"Money without fools."
The book is wonderful, the best of everything that is in my library that has something to do with investing. And the library has a lot of stuff, from Sharpe and Schiller to Taleb, Colby and Fabozzi.
The author breaks down who is cheating howinvestors - from simple scammers to Kiyosaki. From forex kitchens to states. Forewarned is forearmed? But no. To read, understand and accept, to try on yourself, you will have to do WORK. How many who want to become Investors are ready to work on themselves, read difficult texts and learn to do things right?
The author explains what not to do, what not to believe in the market. How many are ready to live without sweets without believing in a miracle, in a freebie, in a silver platter?
The author kills hope and encourages you to think with your head. Damn it, who would like this?
Written in easy language, the book is difficult forreading and comprehension. Because the author implicitly assumes that the reader has a common cultural background, a willingness to understand irony, hyperbole, sarcasm, and an understanding of the general principles of statistics, economics, and government. The ability to take another’s point of view.
There is a block “how can we regulate the control system”, and “how can we beat inflation”, and “the state as a stationary bandit”, many, many wise thoughts.
Overall, this book is worth buying and reading, preferably several times. But this reading will not be entertaining.