April 20, 2024

Bitcoin: Snuck up unnoticed…

Judging by how slowly and on an empty news stream we sneak up to 42K, there will be shortlings.
HowI said earlier, I do not advise you to short the range 40K-42K.
The whales are drawing a second top, but the short sellers and their “smart” stoppers will take the market to at least 46K+.
If you’re itching to go short and you believe in a second rise, you can try tomorrow from 41634+.
But I think it’s a lost cause - during the month of mummification, the trend that we at least “should” confirm today has shifted to 49K+, and in March it is moving away from 50.5K+.

Of course, like everyone else, I can be wrong…

Good trade and good luck.

Regards, V.

I remind you.
I draw up trading plans with support. Expensive.
No. Very expensive.
I can take one more slot this year. Write in PM.

Regards, V.</strong>