April 25, 2024

Bitcoin is the best retirement investment

Bitcoin is the best retirement investment

Now various analysts advise young people to take advantage of the current drawdown of the cryptocurrency market andto retire invest money inbitcoins. This idea is nothing new, but in difficult financial conditions, it has become more attractive due to the coronavirus epidemic. According to one analyst, BTC will provide better long-term returns than traditional savings.

Over the past forty years, pension plans indeveloped countries have gradually moved from defined benefit plans to defined contribution plans such as 401ks. As a result, millions of people are now relying more on personal savings.

For those who have not yet retired and continuework, the long-term devaluation of fiat funds - dollars and euros, will have very devastating consequences. Years of conservative investments may not justify themselves, respectively, the yield on pension savings will literally fall.

«Growing up, I wondered how much I would need to retire at 65, but I never decided. Save 1 bitcoin by 65, that will be more than enough», - an analyst at Davincij15 tweeted.

This belief is based on the belief thatcryptocurrencies will far surpass traditional investments, but this choice must be made now. Probably, young people rank cryptocurrencies as physical assets such as gold and treasury bonds.

This also suggests that Bitcoin andOther cryptocurrencies have become an indispensable element of the global financial landscape. And current events around the world give the new asset class an ever greater legitimacy.


