April 25, 2024

Bitcoin: Bunnies Get Ready!

Proceeding from and further deeper through the links: “The Eliot sect has given way or Re: Bitcoin: when it’s difficult to predict,you can prepare" January 24, 2021.

>Okay, Eliot children, if it’s difficult for you, then don’t stress, I did it for you on the 13th:
>In the coming days we may fall on28842, with a quick payoff for36183,
>thenmucus up to 39600and further to Hell with recharges somewhere in October-November last year.
>It’s a very real divorce scenario if we don’t make a significant change in the next two weeks.

>I think this is a scam and somewhere this analogy “must be broken.”
>Why divorce? Because according to the “classics” the coefficient would be close to five.”
>Even now I am sure that this analogy will be broken from above, not from below.They drew very beautiful numbers: 42K, 40K. It reeks of artificiality.
>I don’t think shortening the 40-42 corridor would be a good idea.
>Eliots, damn it!

What in fact?
- extended the timing;
-instead of 36183 = 38K+

The likelihood that at 39.6K+ they will breed rush shorts is very high.
And I don’t think that it will be 38200-36183=2017, which means 39600+2017=41617. Usually, it doesn't work like that.

My minimum estimated high for 2021 is 43872.

Of course, like everyone else, I can be wrong…

Good trade and good luck.

Regards, V.

I remind you.
I draw up trading plans with support. Expensive.
No. Very expensive.
I can take one more slot this year. Write in PM.

Regards, V.</strong>