Today on Twitter one of the users wrote that yesterday someone tried to transferin the Bitcoin blockchain there is a block with one «0». In this way, he tried to deceive the PoW (Proof-of-Work) protocol.
“#bitcoin is under attack: someone tried twice to transfer incorrect blocks that only start from zero…
Glad my node immediately rejected this joker! ”
#bitcoin under attack:
twice someone tries to broadcast a bad block (proof of work failed: blocks start with only one zero .. 15 min later with not enough zero’s).Glad my node rejects this joker immediately!
- Plan₿ (@ 100trillionUSD) October 13, 2019
The message says that an error has been detectedin a user node built on the Raspberry Pi and using a 500 GB SD card as storage so that there are no problems using it 24/7.
The Bitcoin blockchain uses consensusPoW (Proof-of-Work) protocol. This protocol is used to search for a line of code that begins with several zeros, around 19: these zeros reflect the complexity of the calculation and, as a consequence, the security of the transaction.
If a bitcoin transaction has only one 0 oreven a couple, as in this case, we can easily conclude that it took a little time to calculate the hash, and therefore there is a 99% chance that it was an attempt to attack bitcoin and push through an incorrect transaction.
Fortunately, the transaction was rejected by the specifiednode. This is a good example of how Bitcoin (BTC) and the PoW (Proof-of-Work) protocol proved to be resistant to any type of attack, even differing from the most famous 51% attack.