April 19, 2024

B Kentukki can introduce incentives for crypto miners

19 votes against 2 Kentukki lawmakers have been awarded a bill that will help bring the cryptominers to the state.

Bo RoomThe budget committee of the House of Kentukki has approved the bill No. 2Z0, which provides tax incentives for companies that use the usual script,

The introduction of tax benefits is extremely important for the mining business, since such facilities work round-the-clock and without exit.

At the same time in the budget record of the governmentIt is noted that the adoption of the bill will lead to approximately $ 9 million per year. The loss was calculated proceeding from the assumption that in the next year at least one mining farm will be created, while as existing for the benefit of

The new draft law agrees with the effortsThe GOVERNMENT for the provision of as many technical startups as possible in the state, offering different tax benefits. For example, the budgetary committee of the Palat of Presidents has approved another separate law, which provides similar tax benefits for stockpiles, stocks

Presenter Steven Rudy, who reviewed the draft law, said that Kentukki should not

“Cryptocurrency mining requires a lotelectricity. This very strongly affects the things of the industrial type. This is not just a few people who sit in the subdivision of the parent and write the code. In fact, it is very difficult and highly technical. "

Now the draft law has been introduced for consideration inthe upper board of Kentukki. It is known that, against the law, some lawmakers have been issued, stating that the mining software uses a large amount of power supply for

However, it is unlikely that the bill will not be adopted, taking into account the drilling development of the sector of cryptocurrencies, including on the territory of the USA.
