The Antpool and pools owned by the mining giant Bitmain have long occupied the leading positions in terms of hashrate,however, they have recently lost their positions.
Co-founder of CoinGecko, Bobby OngOng) conducted an analysis of the hashrate of the Bitcoin network and reported that the Bitmain owned pools of Antpool and lost their positions. If in August controlled 19.7% of the hash of the network, and Antpool - 12.8%, now these figures are 15% and 10.9%, respectively, and the leading places were taken by F2Pool (16.3%) and Poolin (15.5%).
Primitive Crypto partner Dovey Wan believes that this is not very important, because it is far from the main business of Bitmain.
“I think mining brings Bitmain less than 1%arrived. Perhaps most of the mining power is connected to its own private pool. As for devices for mining cryptocurrencies, the new Bitmain miners greatly lose WhatsMiner. Perhaps that’s why Jihan exploded, ”Wang said.
Recently co-founder of Bitmain Jihan Wusucceeded Micree Zhan as CEO of the company. At the same time, he warned all employees not to take orders from Zhang.
In September, it was reported that the bitcoin hash networkcame close to 100 exheshes per second. However, at the moment it has slightly decreased, due to the depreciation of the first cryptocurrency, as well as the end of the rainy season in China.