April 20, 2024

5 terrible technologies that will shape our future

5 terrible technologies that will shape our future

Throughout history, many technologies were initially treated with apprehension, and only one or two generations were usually enough to get used to it.However, some emerging technologies are seriously doubtful and questioned about their long-term impact.

Recommender systems

Everyone had to think through some decisionsspend hours doubting and regretting the option you ultimately chose. Soon this will cease to bother us, since most decisions will begin to be made for us by recommendationsartificial intelligence-based systems.

Google, Facebook, Yandex and other tech giants know us more than we do.They are well aware of our interests, habits, purchases and other solutions.Already, machine algorithms recommend the next versions of music, literature, movies and products for each individual user.As they act in our best interests, it is likely that, over time, AI will begin tomake more important decisions for us, such as what to eat for lunch, who to go on a date with, or what job to get.

At a certain point, people won't want it anymorespend time thinking about mundane issues and begin to rely on algorithms, effectively losing “free will.” At the same time, the feeling of control over the situation will remain, since pressing the button to confirm the choice will remain ours. We will also stop regretting the bad decisions we never made.

The problem is that corporations or crookscan use this to manipulate our actions to their advantage. Although people have been doing similar tricks with other people since time immemorial.

Designer babies

Scientists have made great strides in cloning andediting the genetic code. The ultimate goal of this technology is not only to combat serious diseases, but also to change any characteristics of the human body. This will allow you to create designer babies, whose parents can abandon the random genetic lottery and order a tall, kind, smart and athletic child.

Such manipulations are associated with a number of ethicalquestions, as well as suggestive of eugenics, breeding and Hitler's ideas. Among other things, there is a risk that making many changes to DNA over several generations could eventually lead to the creation of a creature that can no longer be considered human.

However, the main problem is the strengtheningthe gap between social classes. Think about what will happen when rich people start creating ideal children and the poor cannot afford it. Although this is more a problem of our society, not genetics.

5 terrible technologies that will shape our future

Immersive reality and connecting the computer to the brain

You may be familiar with technologyvirtual / augmented reality and have heard of the development of brain-computer interfaces. Their combination allows you to immerse a person in another reality by manipulating brain waves to create the necessary impressions.

This potentially opens up a lot of opportunitiesallowing you to suppress fears, change personality, read a thousand books in a second, exchange thoughts with other people, control robots, or even completely reprogram the brain. However, there are several dangerous aspects at once.

Deep diving can make a manlose touch with the real world and start spending most of the time in the virtual, addictive. Significant changes in the brain and the acquisition of new abilities can also lead to a revision of your life experience. The extreme is the complete transfer of consciousness to continue existing in the virtual world. While this may sound crazy, it is possible.

The problem is that, without having achieved the creation of the elixir of eternal life, people can choose digital immortality in cyberspace. As a result, our race may cease to exist.

Machine creativity

Artificial intelligence systems are starting toused to create works of art. In 2018, a painting created by a generative network GAN was sold at auction for $432 500. In addition to paintings, machine algorithms also successfully compose music, poetry, news, generate photos and videos, and also play games. Soon they will begin to do it better and more efficiently than people.

5 terrible technologies that will shape our future

Picture created by GAN

In principle, there is nothing wrong with this,as AI will be able to create a large number of works of art. However, on the other hand, many creative people will not be able to compete with machines, and the market will be flooded with “artificial” ones. works.


Scientists are already taking the first steps towards creatingnanoscopic robots with swarm intelligence that can copy themselves and adapt to any environment. Due to their small size, they will live in air, water and any other environment, including our body.

They can potentially be used for cleaningenvironment, 3D printing of any object, treatment of most diseases, exploration of other planets, geoengineering and many scientific tasks.

In this case, the main problem iscontrol and the possibility of hacking the control system. In the hands of an attacker, this technology can do great harm and destroy almost any system in a short period of time.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most dangerous technological trends that have already shown their dark side.
