April 23, 2024

Trading signals! | Want to make money (or lose)? Place an order USD / CAD

The technical picture is interesting - a breakdown of the support line at 1.3900. According to our “4 screens” strategy, all signals givethe ability to enter a short position (links andscreenshots, if allowed, will be added). The risk / return ratio is also good - if you manage to enter at 1.3900, then the stop can be placed at 1.4000, and then at breakeven with the target of 1.35000 (this is about 1 to 4 in risk management). And of course, do not forget that the maximum risk on one transaction is no more than 2% (for a month in total 6% is maximum for all positions).

Trading signals! | Want to make money (or lose)? Place an order USD / CAD

I wrote a fundamental justification in a previous post. A lot of useful information was taken from the article on his subscription to Wall Street Journal.

PS 1 And of course, we remind you that there is a risk of not entering a position, losing money by entering a position, and there is also an over-the-counter risk, when not entering a position you will lose everything if the broker goes bankrupt.
Therefore, we invest no more than what we are prepared to lose.

Trading signals! | Want to make money (or lose)? Place an order USD / CAD

Chart at trading View www.tradingview.com/x/sryDEWVU/
4 screen system schedule prntscr.com/spsp3a