April 25, 2024

Millions of South Koreans Obtain Blockchain Driving License

Millions of South Koreans Obtain Blockchain Driving License

A million South Koreans have already given up their physical driving licenses in favor of documents issued byon the blockchain.

Despite the fact that the government programwas launched just 3 months ago, more than 3% of drivers in South Korea are already using the blockchain solution, which is presented in the form of a PASS smartphone app.

An officially recognized identification solution can also be used to verify age in stores. The driver's license is presented as a QR code in the application. 

At the moment, many industries in the country, including car sharing or car rental services, are exploring the possibility of using blockchain rights as a means of verification. 

As a reminder, South Korea introduced a 20% tax on profits earned from cryptocurrency trading last month.

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Based on materialscointelegraph.com