April 23, 2024

When is Bitcoin's Sunset? Who Created Bitcoin? Part one.

When is Bitcoin's Sunset? Who Created Bitcoin? Part one.

For a long time, I tried to persuade investors to buy bitcoins. And at 6200 and at 4200 and at 3200 ...

When is Bitcoin's Sunset? Who Created Bitcoin? Part one.

The project was for saleparts at these levels.Although I sold the cryptocurrency much earlier, leaving part of the investment in BNB. The fact is that with the growth of the crypto market, the turnover in the largest exchange is growing, which means that opportunities will be required to save on commissions, plus the exchange itself is rapidly developing in all directions, and tokens were burned. Now I don't have a single cryptocurrency.

Everyone is interested in what will happen next, how much is owedwhat is the price of bitcoin and what to do with it at current prices (buy or short)? The fundamentally justified price, which I announced 4 years ago, is 50,000 US dollars. While many people can write a multi-volume book on Bitcoin, I limited myself to just one phrase: money market share. That is, Bitcoin, as a new form of money, had to occupy a certain percentage of the money market. Based on all the money in the world at that time: dollars + euros + all world currencies + rubles + gold + ... all this is 100 trillion dollars in dollar terms. The world will never give up its national and proven currencies, so there will be a percentage, but it will be small, it is limited by the number of goods and services that can be obtained with money. That is, we remember the fundamental assessment, and 1 trillion can easily be digested by the market. States will turn a blind eye to 1% of the world's money. And Tesla’s purchase of 1.5 billion worth of cryptocurrency is only 0.15% of this trillion of Bitcoin’s capitalization. The amount is so ridiculous that it doesn't deserve mention.

To be continued.

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