April 25, 2024

Astrophysicists confirmed that carbide exoplanets could be made of diamonds

Astrophysicists confirmed that carbide exoplanets could be made of diamonds

Scientists have experimentally established that some planets with a high carbon content may indeed have a huge diamond layer of the mantle.

Studying the atmosphere and geological structuredistant worlds, researchers from Arizona State University and the University of Chicago have simulated the conditions of the interior of carbide exoplanets that revolve around stars with higher carbon contents than our Sun's.

To do this, they placed silicon carbide and water (which is very common in the universe) in cells with diamondanvils, creating high pressure. The scientists then manipulated the sample with a laser to raise the temperature and control the reaction between the substances. Under these conditions, silicon carbide reacted with water, turning into diamonds and silica.

Astrophysicists confirmed that carbide exoplanets could be made of diamonds

As a result, the team concluded that carbon-rich planets cannotmaintain sufficient geological activity and their atmosphere is unsuitable for human habitation.However, the study will help scientists better interpret data from upcoming exoplanet observation missions.

Recall that earlier astronomers discovered an extreme exoplanet, which rains from molten metal.
